Man pages for dLagM
Time Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag Models

ardlBoundImplement ARDL bounds test
ardlBoundOrdersFind optimal orders (lag structure) for ARDL bounds test
ardlDlmImplement finite autoregressive distributed lag model
dLagM-packageImplementation of Time Series Regression Models with...
dlmImplement finite distributed lag model
finiteDLMautoFind the optimal lag length for finite DLMs
forecastCompute forecasts for distributed lag models
GoFCompute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
grainProductionWorld oats, corn, rice, wheat production, CO2 emissions,...
koyckDlmImplement distributed lag models with Koyck transformation
polyDlmImplement finite polynomial distributed lag model
rolCorPlotPLot the rolling correlations
sdPercentilesTest the significance of signal from rolling correlation...
seaLevelTempSOIGlobal mean sea level (GMSL), mean land and ocean temperature...
sort.scoreSort AIC, BIC, MASE, MAPE, sMAPE, MRAE, GMRAE, or MBRAE...
sunspotTempSunspot numbers and mean temperature anomalies data
warmingGlobal warming and vehicle production data
wheatWorld wheat production, CO2 emissions, and temperature...
dLagM documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 9:07 a.m.