add_callback | Add a callback to a Dash app |
add_meta | Add <meta> tags to a Dash app |
add_script | Add external (JavaScript) scripts to a Dash app |
add_stylesheet | Add external (CSS) stylesheets to a Dash app |
callback_context | In addition to event properties like n_clicks that change... |
clientsideFunction | Define a clientside callback |
Dash | R6 class representing a Dash application |
dash_app | Create a Dash application |
dashDataTable | DataTable component |
dash-package | An Interface to the Dash Ecosystem for Authoring Reactive Web... |
dbcAccordion | Accordion component |
dbcAccordionItem | AccordionItem component |
dbcAlert | Alert component |
dbcBadge | Badge component |
dbcBreadcrumb | Breadcrumb component |
dbcButton | Button component |
dbcButtonGroup | ButtonGroup component |
dbcCard | Card component |
dbcCardBody | CardBody component |
dbcCardFooter | CardFooter component |
dbcCardGroup | CardGroup component |
dbcCardHeader | CardHeader component |
dbcCardImg | CardImg component |
dbcCardImgOverlay | CardImgOverlay component |
dbcCardLink | CardLink component |
dbcCarousel | Carousel component |
dbcCheckbox | Checkbox component |
dbcChecklist | Checklist component |
dbcCol | Col component |
dbcCollapse | Collapse component |
dbcContainer | Container component |
dbcDropdownMenu | DropdownMenu component |
dbcDropdownMenuItem | DropdownMenuItem component |
dbcFade | Fade component |
dbcForm | Form component |
dbcFormFeedback | FormFeedback component |
dbcFormFloating | FormFloating component |
dbcFormText | FormText component |
dbcIcons | dbcIcons |
dbcInput | Input component |
dbcInputGroup | InputGroup component |
dbcInputGroupText | InputGroupText component |
dbcLabel | Label component |
dbcListGroup | ListGroup component |
dbcListGroupItem | ListGroupItem component |
dbcModal | Modal component |
dbcModalBody | ModalBody component |
dbcModalFooter | ModalFooter component |
dbcModalHeader | ModalHeader component |
dbcModalTitle | ModalTitle component |
dbcNav | Nav component |
dbcNavbar | Navbar component |
dbcNavbarBrand | NavbarBrand component |
dbcNavbarSimple | NavbarSimple component |
dbcNavbarToggler | NavbarToggler component |
dbcNavItem | NavItem component |
dbcNavLink | NavLink component |
dbcOffcanvas | Offcanvas component |
dbcPagination | Pagination component |
dbcPopover | Popover component |
dbcPopoverBody | PopoverBody component |
dbcPopoverHeader | PopoverHeader component |
dbcProgress | Progress component |
dbcRadioButton | RadioButton component |
dbcRadioItems | RadioItems component |
dbcRow | Row component |
dbcSelect | Select component |
dbcSpinner | Spinner component |
dbcSwitch | Switch component |
dbcTab | Tab component |
dbcTable | Table component |
dbcTabs | Tabs component |
dbcTextarea | Textarea component |
dbcThemes | dbcThemes |
dbcToast | Toast component |
dbcTooltip | Tooltip component |
dccChecklist | Checklist component |
dccClipboard | Clipboard component |
dccConfirmDialog | ConfirmDialog component |
dccConfirmDialogProvider | ConfirmDialogProvider component |
dccDatePickerRange | DatePickerRange component |
dccDatePickerSingle | DatePickerSingle component |
dccDownload | Download component |
dccDropdown | Dropdown component |
dccGraph | Graph component |
dccInput | Input component |
dccInterval | Interval component |
dccLink | Link component |
dccLoading | Loading component |
dccLocation | Location component |
dccLogoutButton | LogoutButton component |
dccMarkdown | Markdown component |
dccRadioItems | RadioItems component |
dccRangeSlider | RangeSlider component |
dccSlider | Slider component |
dccStore | Store component |
dccTab | Tab component |
dccTabs | Tabs component |
dccTextarea | Textarea component |
dccTooltip | Tooltip component |
dccUpload | Upload component |
dependencies | Input/Output/State definitions |
df_to_list | df_to_list |
htmlA | A component |
htmlAbbr | Abbr component |
htmlAcronym | Acronym component |
htmlAddress | Address component |
htmlArea | Area component |
htmlArticle | Article component |
htmlAside | Aside component |
htmlAudio | Audio component |
htmlB | B component |
htmlBase | Base component |
htmlBasefont | Basefont component |
htmlBdi | Bdi component |
htmlBdo | Bdo component |
htmlBig | Big component |
htmlBlink | Blink component |
htmlBlockquote | Blockquote component |
htmlBr | Br component |
htmlButton | Button component |
htmlCanvas | Canvas component |
htmlCaption | Caption component |
htmlCenter | Center component |
htmlCite | Cite component |
htmlCode | Code component |
htmlCol | Col component |
htmlColgroup | Colgroup component |
htmlContent | Content component |
htmlData | Data component |
htmlDatalist | Datalist component |
htmlDd | Dd component |
htmlDel | Del component |
htmlDetails | Details component |
htmlDfn | Dfn component |
htmlDialog | Dialog component |
htmlDiv | Div component |
htmlDl | Dl component |
htmlDt | Dt component |
htmlEm | Em component |
htmlEmbed | Embed component |
htmlFieldset | Fieldset component |
htmlFigcaption | Figcaption component |
htmlFigure | Figure component |
htmlFont | Font component |
htmlFooter | Footer component |
htmlForm | Form component |
htmlFrame | Frame component |
htmlFrameset | Frameset component |
htmlH1 | H1 component |
htmlH2 | H2 component |
htmlH3 | H3 component |
htmlH4 | H4 component |
htmlH5 | H5 component |
htmlH6 | H6 component |
htmlHeader | Header component |
htmlHgroup | Hgroup component |
htmlHr | Hr component |
htmlI | I component |
htmlIframe | Iframe component |
htmlImg | Img component |
htmlIns | Ins component |
htmlKbd | Kbd component |
htmlKeygen | Keygen component |
htmlLabel | Label component |
htmlLegend | Legend component |
htmlLi | Li component |
htmlLink | Link component |
htmlMain | Main component |
htmlMapEl | MapEl component |
htmlMark | Mark component |
htmlMarquee | Marquee component |
htmlMeta | Meta component |
htmlMeter | Meter component |
htmlNav | Nav component |
htmlNobr | Nobr component |
htmlNoscript | Noscript component |
htmlObjectEl | ObjectEl component |
htmlOl | Ol component |
htmlOptgroup | Optgroup component |
htmlOption | Option component |
htmlOutput | Output component |
htmlP | P component |
htmlParam | Param component |
htmlPicture | Picture component |
htmlPlaintext | Plaintext component |
htmlPre | Pre component |
htmlProgress | Progress component |
htmlQ | Q component |
htmlRb | Rb component |
htmlRp | Rp component |
htmlRt | Rt component |
htmlRtc | Rtc component |
htmlRuby | Ruby component |
htmlS | S component |
htmlSamp | Samp component |
htmlScript | Script component |
htmlSection | Section component |
htmlSelect | Select component |
htmlShadow | Shadow component |
htmlSlot | Slot component |
htmlSmall | Small component |
htmlSource | Source component |
htmlSpacer | Spacer component |
htmlSpan | Span component |
htmlStrike | Strike component |
htmlStrong | Strong component |
htmlSub | Sub component |
htmlSummary | Summary component |
htmlSup | Sup component |
htmlTable | Table component |
htmlTbody | Tbody component |
htmlTd | Td component |
htmlTemplate | Template component |
htmlTextarea | Textarea component |
htmlTfoot | Tfoot component |
htmlTh | Th component |
htmlThead | Thead component |
htmlTime | Time component |
htmlTitle | Title component |
htmlTr | Tr component |
htmlTrack | Track component |
htmlU | U component |
htmlUl | Ul component |
htmlVar | Var component |
htmlVideo | Video component |
htmlWbr | Wbr component |
htmlXmp | Xmp component |
install_snippet | Install Dash RStudio snippet |
is_dash_app | Is the given object a Dash app? |
pipe | Pipe operator |
prevent_update | Prevent a callback from updating its output |
print.Dash | Run a Dash app when explicitly printed to the console |
print.dash_component | Output a dash component object as JSON |
run_app | Run a Dash app |
selectors | Pattern-Matching Callback Selectors |
set_layout | Set the layout of a Dash app |
simple_table | Simple HTML table |
tags | Create HTML tags |
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.