Man pages for dashboard
Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js

dashboard_launchdashboard_launch generates the dashboard and launchs the...
dashboard_opendashboard_open innitializes a new dashboard
dashboard-packageInteractive Data Visualization with D3.js
dashboard_stopdashboard_stop stops the local Rook server
dcbarchartdcbarchart adds a bar chart to the dashboard
dcboxplotdcboxplot adds a box plot to the dashboard
dcpiechartdcpiechart adds a pie chart to the dashboard
dcrowchartdcrowchart adds a row chart to the dashboard
dcscatterdcscatter adds a scatter plot to the dashboard
dctabledctable add a data table to the dashboard
linebreaklinebreak adds a line break in the dashboard
dashboard documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:52 p.m.