Man pages for dataCompareR
Compare Two Data Frames and Summarise the Difference

checkUniquenessChecks that a list of indexes areunique
cleanColNamescleanColNames : get colnames, remove leading and trailing...
coerceFactorsToCharcoerceFactorsToChar: convert all factor type fields to...
collapseClassescollapseClasses. Collapse the classes of an object to a...
colsWithUnequalValuescolsWithUnequalValues: a dataframe summarising a column with...
compareDataCompare data. Wrapper for comparison functionality.
compareNamescompareNames : compare the intersect of colInfoA and colInfoB...
createAntiSubsetCreate a dataframe of the rows that don't match
createCleaningInfoConverts cleaning info into a format consumable by...
createColMatchingConverts the output of the column matching logic to something...
createCompareObjectGenerates an empty list of the correct class to store results
createMetaTakes the raw info for the meta block of the output and puts...
createMismatchesCreate mismatch object
createMismatchObjectCreate mismatch object
createReportTextcreateReportText: prepares text which is used in the summary...
createRowMatchingfunction for updating a compare object with information...
createTextSummarycreateTextSummary: create a text based summary of an...
currentObjVersionPlace to store and access the current object version.
generateMismatchDataExtract data from a dataCompareR comparison
getCoercionsSubsets on the variables that have a coercion.
getMismatchColNamesExtracts the column names only in one data frame from a table...
is.dataCompareRobjectCheck object is of class dataCompareRobject
isNotNullisNotNull: is object not null
locateMismatchesChecks whether elements in two input data frames are equal.
matchColumnsmatchColumns : create subset of DFA and DFB to contain...
matchMultiIndexGenerate two dataframes that contain the same rows based on a...
matchNoIndexGenerate two dataframes that contain the same rows based on a...
matchRowsGenerate two dataframes and returns subsets of these...
matchSingleIndexGenerate two dataframes that contain the same rows based on a...
metaDataInfoCreates a list of info about the dataframe.
mismatchHighStopmismatchHighStop Checks if we've exceeded threshold of...
orderColumnsorderColumns: order columns by treated column names
outputSectionHeaderoutputSectionHeader: creates an outputSectionHeader
prepareDataprepareData Prepares data for comparison in 3 stages. 1....
print.dataCompareRobjectPrinting RCompare Output
print.summary.dataCompareRobjectPrinting summaryRCompare Output
processFlowprocessFlow Handles the process flow for the whole package
rCompareCompare two data frames
rcompObjItemLengthrcompObjItemLength: return length of an item, returning 0 if...
rounddfRound all numeric fields in a data frame
saveReportSave a report based on a dataCompareR object
subsetDataColumnssubsetDataColumns : create subset of DFA and DFB to contain...
summary.dataCompareRobjectSummarizing RCompare Output
trimCharVarstrimCharVars: trim white spaces in character variables from...
updateCompareObjectGeneric function for updating a compare object with...
updateCompareObject.cleaninginfoUpdates cleaning info in the compare object
updateCompareObject.colmatchingAdds a colMatching block to the output
updateCompareObject.matchesAdds a colMatching block to the output
updateCompareObject.metaTakes raw info for meta and adds it to the compare object
updateCompareObject.mismatchesAdds a colMatching block to the output
updateCompareObject.rowmatchingAdds a rowMatching block to the output
validateDatavalidateData : routine to validate the input data
variableDetailsCreate variable mismatch details
variableMismatchesCreate variable mismatch table
warnLargeDataWarn users if the calculation is likely to be slow
dataCompareR documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 9:06 a.m.