addData | Add Key-Value Pairs to a Data Connection |
addTransform | Add a Transformation Function to a Distributed Data Object |
adult | "Census Income" Dataset |
applyTransform | Apply transformation function(s) | | Turn 'ddf' Object into Data Frame |
as.list.ddo | Turn 'ddo' / 'ddf' Object into a list |
bsv | Construct Between Subset Variable (BSV) |
charFileHash | Character File Hash Function |
combCollect | "Collect" Recombination |
combDdf | "DDF" Recombination |
combDdo | "DDO" Recombination |
combMean | Mean Recombination |
combMeanCoef | Mean Coefficient Recombination |
combRbind | "rbind" Recombination |
condDiv | Conditioning Variable Division |
convert | Convert 'ddo' / 'ddf' Objects |
datadr-package | datadr |
ddf | Instantiate a Distributed Data Frame ('ddf') |
ddf-accessors | Accessor methods for 'ddf' objects |
ddo | Instantiate a Distributed Data Object ('ddo') |
ddo-ddf-accessors | Accessor Functions |
ddo-ddf-attributes | Managing attributes of 'ddo' or 'ddf' objects |
digestFileHash | Digest File Hash Function |
divide | Divide a Distributed Data Object |
divide-internals | Functions used in divide() |
drAggregate | Division-Agnostic Aggregation |
drBLB | Bag of Little Bootstraps Transformation Method |
drFilter | Filter a 'ddo' or 'ddf' Object |
drGetGlobals | Get Global Variables and Package Dependencies |
drGLM | GLM Transformation Method |
drHexbin | HexBin Aggregation for Distributed Data Frames |
drJoin | Join Data Sources by Key |
drLapply | Apply a function to all key-value pairs of a ddo/ddf object |
drLM | LM Transformation Method |
drPersist | Persist a Transformed 'ddo' or 'ddf' Object |
drQuantile | Sample Quantiles for 'ddf' Objects |
drRead.table | Data Input |
drSample | Take a Sample of Key-Value Pairs Take a sample of key-value... |
drSubset | Subsetting Distributed Data Frames |
flatten | "Flatten" a ddf Subset |
getCondCuts | Get names of the conditioning variable cuts |
hdfsConn | Connect to Data Source on HDFS |
kvApply | Apply Function to Key-Value Pair |
kvPair | Specify a Key-Value Pair |
kvPairs | Specify a Collection of Key-Value Pairs |
localDiskConn | Connect to Data Source on Local Disk |
localDiskControl | Specify Control Parameters for MapReduce on a Local Disk... |
makeExtractable | Take a ddo/ddf HDFS data object and turn it into a mapfile |
mrExec | Execute a MapReduce Job |
mr-summary-stats | Functions to Compute Summary Statistics in MapReduce |
pipe | Pipe data |
print.ddo | Print a "ddo" or "ddf" Object |
print.kvPair | Print a key-value pair |
print.kvValue | Print value of a key-value pair |
readHDFStextFile | Experimental HDFS text reader helper function |
readTextFileByChunk | Experimental sequential text reader helper function |
recombine | Recombine |
removeData | Remove Key-Value Pairs from a Data Connection |
rhipeControl | Specify Control Parameters for RHIPE Job |
rrDiv | Random Replicate Division |
setupTransformEnv | Set up transformation environment |
splitvars | Extract "Split" Variable(s) |
to_ddf | Convert dplyr grouped_df to ddf |
updateAttributes | Update Attributes of a 'ddo' or 'ddf' Object |
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