Man pages for datamods
Modules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'

create-columnCreate new column
cut-variableModule to Convert Numeric to Factor
demo_editCustomer Credit Card Information
edit-dataShiny module to interactively edit a 'data.frame'
filter-dataShiny module to interactively filter a 'data.frame'
get_data_packagesGet packages containing datasets
import-copypasteImport data with copy & paste
import-fileImport data from a file
import-globalenvImport data from an Environment
import-googlesheetsImport data from Googlesheet
import-modalImport from all sources
import-urlImport data from a URL
list_pkg_dataList dataset contained in a package
module-sampleShiny module to interactively sample a 'data.frame'
select-groupSelect Group Input Module
show_dataDisplay a table in a window
update-factorModule to Reorder the Levels of a Factor Variable
update-variablesSelect, rename and convert variables
validationValidation module
datamods documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 5:06 p.m.