edit-data: Shiny module to interactively edit a 'data.frame'

edit-dataR Documentation

Shiny module to interactively edit a data.frame


The module generates different options to edit a data.frame: adding, deleting and modifying rows, exporting data (csv and excel), choosing editable columns, choosing mandatory columns. This module returns the edited table with the user modifications.



  data_r = reactive(NULL),
  add = TRUE,
  update = TRUE,
  delete = TRUE,
  download_csv = TRUE,
  download_excel = TRUE,
  file_name_export = "data",
  var_edit = NULL,
  var_mandatory = NULL,
  var_labels = NULL,
  add_default_values = list(),
  n_column = 1,
  return_class = c("data.frame", "data.table", "tbl_df", "raw"),
  reactable_options = NULL,
  modal_size = c("m", "s", "l", "xl"),
  modal_easy_close = TRUE,
  callback_add = NULL,
  callback_update = NULL,
  callback_delete = NULL,
  only_callback = FALSE,
  use_notify = TRUE



Module ID


data_r reactive function containing a data.frame to use in the module.


boolean, if TRUE, allows you to add a row in the table via a button at the top right.


boolean, if TRUE, allows you to modify a row of the table via a button located in the table on the row you want to edit.


boolean, if TRUE, allows a row to be deleted from the table via a button in the table.


if TRUE, allows to export the table in csv format via a download button.


if TRUE, allows to export the table in excel format via a download button.


character that allows you to choose the export name of the downloaded file.


vector of character which allows to choose the names of the editable columns.


vector of character which allows to choose obligatory fields to fill.


named list, where names are colnames and values are labels to be used in edit modal.


Default values to use for input control when adding new data, e.g. list(my_var_text = "Default text to display").


Number of column in the edit modal window, must be a number that divide 12 since it use Bootstrap grid system with shiny::column().


Class of returned data: data.frame, data.table, tbl_df (tibble) or raw.


Options passed to reactable::reactable().


character which allows to choose the size of the modalDialog. One of "s" for small, "m" (the default) for medium, "l" for large, or "xl" for extra large.


boolean If TRUE, modalDialog can be dismissed by clicking outside the dialog box, or be pressing the Escape key. If FALSE (the default), modalDialog can't be dismissed in those ways; instead it must be dismissed by clicking on a modalButton(), or from a call to removeModal() on the server.

callback_add, callback_update, callback_delete

Functions to be executed just before an action (add, update or delete) is performed on the data. Functions used must be like function(data, row) {...} where :

  • data will be the data in the table at the moment the function is called

  • row will contain either a new row of data (add), an updated row (update) or the row that will be deleted (delete).

If the return value of a callback function is not truthy (see shiny::isTruthy()) then the action is cancelled.


Only use callbacks, don't alter data within the module.


Display information or not to user through shinybusy::notify().


the edited data.frame in reactable format with the user modifications



ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme(
    version = 5
  tags$h2("Edit data", align = "center"),
  edit_data_ui(id = "id"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  edited_r <- edit_data_server(
    id = "id",
    data_r = reactive(demo_edit),
    add = TRUE,
    update = TRUE,
    delete = TRUE,
    download_csv = TRUE,
    download_excel = TRUE,
    file_name_export = "datas",
    # var_edit = c("name", "job", "credit_card_provider", "credit_card_security_code"),
    var_mandatory = c("name", "job"),
    var_labels = list(
      name = "Name",
      credit_card_security_code = "Credit card security code",
      date_obtained = "Date obtained",
      contactless_card = "Contactless Card",
      credit_card_provider = "Credit card provider"
    add_default_values = list(
      name = "Please enter your name here",
      date_obtained = Sys.Date()
    n_column = 2,
    modal_size = "l",
    modal_easy_close = TRUE,
    reactable_options = list(
      defaultColDef = colDef(filterable = TRUE),
      selection = "single",
      columns = list(
        name = colDef(name = "Name", style = list(fontWeight = "bold")),
        credit_card_security_code = colDef(name = "Credit card security code"),
        date_obtained = colDef(name = "Date obtained", format = colFormat(date = TRUE)),
        contactless_card = colDef(
          name = "Contactless Card",
          cell = function(value) {
            # Render as an X mark or check mark
            if (value == FALSE) "\u274c No" else "\u2714\ufe0f Yes"
        credit_card_provider = colDef(
          name = "Credit card provider",
          style = function(value) {
            if (value == "Mastercard") {
              color <- "#e06631"
            } else if (value == "VISA 16 digit") {
              color <- "#0c13cf"
            } else if (value == "American Express") {
              color <- "#4d8be8"
            } else if (value == "JCB 16 digit") {
              color <- "#23c45e"
            } else {
              color <- "#777"
            list(color = color, fontWeight = "bold")
      bordered = TRUE,
      compact = TRUE,
      searchable = TRUE,
      highlight = TRUE

  output$result <- renderPrint({


if (interactive())
  shinyApp(ui, server)

datamods documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 5:06 p.m.