Man pages for dataprep
Efficient and Flexible Data Preprocessing Tools

condextrRemove outliers using point-by-point weighed outlier removal...
dataExample data (particle number concentrations in SMEAR I...
data1Example data (data1, particle number concentrations in SMEAR...
dataprepData preprocessing with multiple steps in one function
descdataFast descriptive statistics
descplotView the descriptive statistics via plot
meltTurn variable names and values into two columns
obsedeleDelete observations with variable(s) containing too many...
optisoluFind an optimal combination of 'interval' and 'times' for...
percdataCalculate the top and bottom percentiles of each selected...
percoutlTraditional percentile-based outlier removal
percplotPlot the top and bottom percentiles of each selected variable
shorvaluInterpolation with values to refer to within short periods
varideleDelete variables containing too many missing values (NA)
zeronaTurn zeros to missing values
dataprep documentation built on Jan. 15, 2022, 5:07 p.m.