dauphin_mobile: Standardize Australian phone numbers

View source: R/standard_mobile.R

dauphin_mobileR Documentation

Standardize Australian phone numbers


Standardize Australian phone numbers


dauphin_mobile(mob, ignore_calling_code = NA)

  default_area_code = getOption("daiphin.default_area_code", 1L)

  default_area_code = getOption("dauphin.default_area_code", 1L)

## S3 method for class 'dauphin_mobile'
print(x, ...)


mob, landline

Character vectors in which mobile numbers and landline numbers are expected.


logical(1) Whether to ignore the calling code +61 in the result.


An integer between 1 and 10 giving, for landline numbers with 8 digits, what area code should be set. By default, it is 1L, but users should set the option "dauphin.default_area_code" so to correctly standardize non-mobile numbers.


A vector, generally a character vector, in which phone numbers are expected.


Arguments passed to other methods.


Mobile phone numbers or landline numbers are represented as integer vectors. International calling prefixes extend the number beyond the representation of signed integers. We use raw vectors for the international prefix, if required.

If ignore_calling_code = TRUE, the integer vector is returned. Elements of x for which the mobile phone number could not be extracted map to NA_integer_ in the result.

If ignore_calling_code = FALSE, then a list is returned. The second element of the list is the calling prefix.

If ignore_calling_code = NA then it is set to TRUE if x appears to have international prefixes already.


An integer vector, the integer representation of the mobile phone. If the calling code is required or requested, a list of two vectors is returned, with the second element a raw vector with a representation of the corresponding number.


An integer vector, the integer representation of the landline.


A list of two vectors with the mobile and landline vectors respectively, even if the character vectors passed are in the wrong order (or partially in the wrong order). Useful if some of the entries are in the wrong place.


dauphin_mobile("0400 123 456")
dauphin_mobile("+61400123456", ignore_calling_code = FALSE)

dauphin_mobile_landline("0424 123 456", "03 1234 5678")
dauphin_mobile_landline(c("0424 123 456", "03 1234 5678"),
                        c(NA, "0424 123 456"))

dauphin documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:08 p.m.