
Defines functions concat_int combine lowerTri hclustMergeOrder order_ prims coreFromDist optics_int mrd lof_kNN kNN_query_int kNN_int frNN_query_int frNN_int dbscan_density_int mst_to_dendrogram dendrogram_to_reach reach_to_dendrogram dbscan_int comps_frNN comps_kNN ANN_cleanup extractSemiSupervised extractUnsupervised fosc computeVirtualNode validateConstraintList computeStability simplifiedTree node_xy all_children buildDendrogram distToAdjacency SNN_sim_int JP_int

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

JP_int <- function(nn, kt) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_JP_int`, nn, kt)

SNN_sim_int <- function(nn, jp) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_SNN_sim_int`, nn, jp)

distToAdjacency <- function(constraints, N) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_distToAdjacency`, constraints, N)

buildDendrogram <- function(hcl) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_buildDendrogram`, hcl)

all_children <- function(hier, key, leaves_only = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_all_children`, hier, key, leaves_only)

node_xy <- function(cl_tree, cl_hierarchy, cid = 0L) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_node_xy`, cl_tree, cl_hierarchy, cid)

simplifiedTree <- function(cl_tree) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_simplifiedTree`, cl_tree)

computeStability <- function(hcl, minPts, compute_glosh = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_computeStability`, hcl, minPts, compute_glosh)

validateConstraintList <- function(constraints, n) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_validateConstraintList`, constraints, n)

computeVirtualNode <- function(noise, constraints) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_computeVirtualNode`, noise, constraints)

fosc <- function(cl_tree, cid, sc, cl_hierarchy, prune_unstable_leaves = FALSE, alpha = 0, useVirtual = FALSE, n_constraints = 0L, constraints = NULL) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_fosc`, cl_tree, cid, sc, cl_hierarchy, prune_unstable_leaves, alpha, useVirtual, n_constraints, constraints)

extractUnsupervised <- function(cl_tree, prune_unstable = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_extractUnsupervised`, cl_tree, prune_unstable)

extractSemiSupervised <- function(cl_tree, constraints, alpha = 0, prune_unstable_leaves = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_extractSemiSupervised`, cl_tree, constraints, alpha, prune_unstable_leaves)

ANN_cleanup <- function() {

comps_kNN <- function(nn, mutual) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_comps_kNN`, nn, mutual)

comps_frNN <- function(nn, mutual) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_comps_frNN`, nn, mutual)

dbscan_int <- function(data, eps, minPts, weights, borderPoints, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx, frNN) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_dbscan_int`, data, eps, minPts, weights, borderPoints, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx, frNN)

reach_to_dendrogram <- function(reachability, pl_order) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_reach_to_dendrogram`, reachability, pl_order)

dendrogram_to_reach <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_dendrogram_to_reach`, x)

mst_to_dendrogram <- function(mst) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_mst_to_dendrogram`, mst)

dbscan_density_int <- function(data, eps, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_dbscan_density_int`, data, eps, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx)

frNN_int <- function(data, eps, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_frNN_int`, data, eps, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx)

frNN_query_int <- function(data, query, eps, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_frNN_query_int`, data, query, eps, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx)

kNN_int <- function(data, k, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_kNN_int`, data, k, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx)

kNN_query_int <- function(data, query, k, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_kNN_query_int`, data, query, k, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx)

lof_kNN <- function(data, minPts, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_lof_kNN`, data, minPts, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx)

mrd <- function(dm, cd) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_mrd`, dm, cd)

optics_int <- function(data, eps, minPts, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx, frNN) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_optics_int`, data, eps, minPts, type, bucketSize, splitRule, approx, frNN)

coreFromDist <- function(dist, n, minPts) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_coreFromDist`, dist, n, minPts)

prims <- function(x_dist, n) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_prims`, x_dist, n)

order_ <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_order_`, x)

hclustMergeOrder <- function(mst, o) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_hclustMergeOrder`, mst, o)

lowerTri <- function(m) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_lowerTri`, m)

combine <- function(t1, t2) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_combine`, t1, t2)

concat_int <- function(container) {
    .Call(`_dbscan_concat_int`, container)

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dbscan documentation built on June 29, 2024, 1:07 a.m.