Man pages for dccmidas
DCC Models with GARCH-MIDAS Specifications in the Univariate Step

a_dcc_loglikA-DCC log-likelihood (second step)
a_dcc_mat_estObtains the matrix H_t and R_t, under the A-DCC model
a_dccmidas_loglikA-DCC-MIDAS log-likelihood (second step)
a_dccmidas_mat_estObtains the matrix H_t, R_t and long-run correlations, under...
cov_evalVar-cov matrix evaluation
dcc_fitDCC fit (first and second steps)
dcc_loglikcDCC log-likelihood (second step)
dcc_mat_estObtains the matrix H_t and R_t, under the cDCC model
dccmidas_loglikDCC-MIDAS log-likelihood (second step)
dccmidas_mat_estObtains the matrix H_t, R_t and long-run correlations, under...
deco_loglikDECO log-likelihood (second step)
deco_mat_estObtains the matrix H_t and R_t, under the DECO model
DetMatrix determinant
ftse100FTSE 100 data
grapes-pow-grapesPower of a matrix
indproMonthly U.S. Industrial Production
InvInverse of a matrix
moving_cov_estObtains the matrix H_t, under the Moving Covariance model
nasdaqNASDAQ data
plot_dccmidasPlot method for 'dccmidas' class
print.dccmidasPrint method for 'dccmidas' class
QMLE_sdStandard errors for the Quasi Maximum Likelihood estimator
riskmetrics_estRiskMetrics model
sp500S&P 500 data
summary.dccmidasSummary method for 'dccmidas' class
dccmidas documentation built on March 15, 2021, 5:08 p.m.