
#' @export
`as.character.declared` <- function (
  x, drop_na = TRUE, values = FALSE, nolabels = FALSE, ...
) {

  allabels <- names_values (x, drop_na = drop_na)
  labels <- labels (x)

  # x <- undeclare (x, drop = TRUE)
  if (isFALSE (drop_na)) {
    x <- undeclare (x)

  attributes (x) <- NULL

  if (isTRUE (values)) {
    return (as.character (x))

  x <- names (allabels)[match (x, allabels)]

  if (isTRUE (nolabels)) {
    x[!is.element (x, names (labels))] <- NA

  return (x)

#' @export
`[.declared` <- function (x, i, ...) {
  attrx <- attributes (x)
  x <- undeclare (x)
  x <- NextMethod()
  # attrx$label, if not existing, takes from attrx$labels
  # attrx[["label"]] is something like attr (x, "label", exact = TRUE)
  declared (
    x, attrx[["labels"]], attrx$na_values, attrx$na_range, attrx[["label"]]

#' @export
`[<-.declared` <- function (x, i, value) {
  attrx <- attributes (x)
  value <- undeclare (value)
  x <- undeclare (x)
  x <- NextMethod()
  declared (
    x, attrx[["labels"]], attrx$na_values, attrx$na_range, attrx[["label"]]

#' @export
`[.labels_df` <- function (x, i, ...) {
  result <- NextMethod()
  attr(result, "print_as_df") <- attr(x, "print_as_df")
  class(result) <- class(x)

#' @export
`c.declared` <- function (...) {
  dots <- list (...)
  declared <- unlist (lapply (dots, is.declared))
  na_values <- sort (unique (unlist (
    lapply (dots, function (x) attr (x, "na_values"))

  labels <- unlist (lapply (dots, function (x) {
    attr (x, "labels", exact = TRUE)

  duplicates <- duplicated (labels)

  if (length (wduplicates <- which (duplicates)) > 0) {
    for (i in wduplicates) {
      if (length (unique (names (labels[labels == labels[i]]))) > 1) {
        stopError_ ("Labels must be unique.")

  labels <- sort (labels[!duplicates])

  na_range <- lapply (dots, function (x) attr (x, "na_range", exact = TRUE))
  nulls <- unlist (lapply (na_range, is.null))

  if (all (nulls)) {
    na_range <- NULL
  else {
    if (sum (nulls) == length (na_range) - 1) {
      na_range <- unlist (na_range)
    else {
      compatible <- logical (length (na_range))
      if (!is.null (na_range)) {
        for (i in seq (1, length (na_range) - 1)) {
          nai <- na_range[[i]]
          if (is.null (nai)) {
            compatible[i] <- TRUE
          else {
            for (j in seq (2, length (na_range))) {
              naj <- na_range[[j]]
              if (is.null (naj)) {
                compatible[j] <- TRUE
              else {
                if (
                  any (
                    is.element (seq (nai[1], nai[2]), seq (naj[1], naj[2]))
                  ) > 0
                ) {
                  compatible[i] <- TRUE
                  compatible[j] <- TRUE

      if (any (!compatible)) {
        stopError_ ("Incompatible NA ranges.")

      na_range <- range(unlist (na_range))

  dots <- unlist (lapply (dots, function (x) {
    if (is.declared (x)) x <- undeclare (x)
    attributes (x) <- NULL
    return (x)

  return (declared (
    labels = labels,
    na_values = na_values,
    na_range = na_range,
    label = attr (dots[[which (declared)[1]]], "label", exact = TRUE)

#' @export
`names<-.declared` <- function (x, value) {
  attr (x, "names") <- value

#' @export
`sort.declared` <- function (x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) {
  return (x[order_declared (x, decreasing = decreasing, ... = ...)])

#' @export
`duplicated.declared` <- function (x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) {
  x <- unclass (undeclare (x))

#' @export
`unique.declared` <- function (x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) {
  x[!duplicated (x)]

#' @export
`head.declared` <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) {
  lx <- length (x)
  if (n < 0) {
    n <- lx - abs (n)
  n <- min (n, lx)
  if (n < 1) {
    return (x[0])
  x[seq (n)]

#' @export
`head.labels_df` <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) {
  lx <- length (x)
  if (n < 0) {
    n <- lx - abs (n)
  n <- min (n, lx)
  if (n < 1) {
    result <- x[0]
  } else {
    result <- x[seq (n)]
  attr(result, "print_as_df") <- attr(x, "print_as_df")
  class(result) <- class(x)

#' @export
`tail.declared` <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) {
  if (n < 1) {
    n <- 6L
  lx <- length (x)
  n <- min (n, lx)
  x[seq (lx - n + 1, lx)]

#' @export
`tail.labels_df` <- function (x, n = 6L, ...) {
  if (n < 1) {
    n <- 6L
  lx <- length (x)
  n <- min (n, lx)
  result <- x[seq (lx - n + 1, lx)]

  attr(result, "print_as_df") <- attr(x, "print_as_df")
  class(result) <- class(x)

#' @export
`na.omit.declared` <- function (object, ...)  {
  attrx <- attributes (object)
  attrx$na_index <- NULL
  object <- unclass (object)
  object <- NextMethod()
  attrx$na.action <- attr (object, "na.action")
  nms <- attrx$names
  if (!is.null (nms) && !is.null (attrx$na.action)) {
    nms <- nms[-attr (object, "na.action")]
    attrx$names <- nms
  attributes (object) <- attrx
  return (object)

#' @export
`na.fail.declared` <- function (object, ...)  {
  object <- unclass (object)

#' @export
`na.exclude.declared` <- function (object, ...)  {
  attrx <- attributes (object)
  attrx$na_index <- NULL
  object <- unclass (object)
  object <- NextMethod()
  attrx$na.action <- attr (object, "na.action")
  nms <- attrx$names
  if (!is.null (nms) && !is.null (attrx$na.action)) {
    nms <- nms[-attr (object, "na.action")]
    attrx$names <- nms
  attributes (object) <- attrx
  return (object)

#' @export
`mean.declared` <- function (x, ...) {
  na_index <- attr (x, "na_index")
  if (!is.null (na_index)) {
    x <- x[-na_index]
  x <- unclass (x)

#' @export
`median.declared` <- function (x, na.rm = FALSE, ...) {
  na_index <- attr (x, "na_index")
  if (!is.null (na_index)) {
    x <- x[-na_index]
  x <- unclass (x)

#' @export
`summary.declared` <- function (object, ...) {
  na_index <- attr (object, "na_index")
  if (!is.null (na_index)) {
    object[na_index] <- NA
  object <- unclass (object)

#' @export
`all.equal.declared` <- function (target, current, ...) {
  na_index <- attr (target, "na_index")
  target <- undeclare (target, drop = TRUE)
  if (is.declared (current)) {
    current <- undeclare (current, drop = TRUE)

  allna <- TRUE

  if (!is.null (na_index)) {
    allna <- all.equal(target[na_index], current[na_index])
    target <- target[-na_index]
    current <- current[-na_index]

  allv <- all.equal(target, current)

  if (isTRUE (allv)) {
    if (isTRUE (allna)) {
      return (TRUE)
    return (paste ("Declared mising values", tolower(allna)))

  return (allv)

# Math operations

#' @export
`abs.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("abs")(x)

#' @export
`sign.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("sign")(x)

#' @export
`sqrt.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("sqrt")(x)

#' @export
`floor.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("floor")(x)

#' @export
`ceiling.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("ceiling")(x)

#' @export
`trunc.declared` <- function (x, ...) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("trunc")(x, ...)

#' @export
`round.declared` <- function (x, digits = 0) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("round")(x, digits)

#' @export
`signif.declared` <- function (x, digits = 0) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("signif")(x, digits)

#' @export
`exp.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("exp")(x)

#' @export
`log.declared` <- function (x, base = exp(1)) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("log")(x, base)

#' @export
`expm1.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("expm1")(x)

#' @export
`log1p.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("log1p")(x)

#' @export
`cos.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("cos")(x)

#' @export
`sin.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("sin")(x)

#' @export
`tan.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("tan")(x)

#' @export
`cospi.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("cospi")(x)

#' @export
`sinpi.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("sinpi")(x)

#' @export
`tanpi.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("tanpi")(x)

#' @export
`acos.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("acos")(x)

#' @export
`asin.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("asin")(x)

#' @export
`atan.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("atan")(x)

#' @export
`lgamma.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("lgamma")(x)

#' @export
`gamma.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("gamma")(x)

#' @export
`digamma.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("digamma")(x)

#' @export
`trigamma.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("trigamma")(x)

#' @export
`cumsum.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("cumsum")(x)

#' @export
`cumprod.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("cumprod")(x)

#' @export
`cummax.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("cummax")(x)

#' @export
`cummin.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("cummin")(x)

# Arithmetic operations
#' @export
`+.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("+")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`-.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("-")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`*.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("*")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`/.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("/")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`^.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("^")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`%%.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("%%")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`%/%.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("%/%")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`&.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("&")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`|.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  attributes (e1) <- NULL
  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      attributes (e2) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("|")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`!.declared` <- function (x) {
  attributes (x) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("!")(x)

#' @export
`==.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  le1 <- attr (e1, "labels", exact = TRUE)
  e1 <- undeclare (e1, drop = TRUE)

  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      e2 <- undeclare (e2, drop = TRUE)

    if (
      length (e2) == 1 && is.element (e2, names (le1)) && !is.element (e2, e1)
    ) {
      e2 <- le1[names (le1) == e2]

  .Primitive ("==")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`!=.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {e1 <- unclass (undeclare (e1))
le1 <- attr (e1, "labels", exact = TRUE)
e1 <- undeclare (e1)
attributes (e1) <- NULL

if (!missing(e2)) {
  if (is.declared (e2)) {
    e2 <- undeclare (e2)
    attributes (e2) <- NULL

  if (
    length (e2) == 1 && is.element (e2, names (le1)) && !is.element (e2, e1)
  ) {
    e2 <- le1[names (le1) == e2]

.Primitive ("!=")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`<.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  e1 <- undeclare (e1)
  attributes (e1) <- NULL

  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      e2 <- undeclare (e2)
      attributes (e2) <- NULL

  .Primitive ("<")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`<=.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  e1 <- undeclare (e1)
  attributes (e1) <- NULL

  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      e2 <- undeclare (e2)
      attributes (e2) <- NULL

  .Primitive ("<=")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`>=.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  e1 <- undeclare (e1)
  attributes (e1) <- NULL

  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      e2 <- undeclare (e2)
      attributes (e2) <- NULL

  .Primitive (">=")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`>.declared` <- function (e1, e2) {
  e1 <- undeclare (e1)
  attributes (e1) <- NULL

  if (!missing(e2)) {
    if (is.declared (e2)) {
      e2 <- undeclare (e2)
      attributes (e2) <- NULL

  .Primitive (">")(e1, e2)

#' @export
`Arg.declared` <- function (z) {
  attributes (z) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("Arg")(z)

#' @export
`Conj.declared` <- function (z) {
  attributes (z) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("Conj")(z)

#' @export
`Im.declared` <- function (z) {
  attributes (z) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("Im")(z)

#' @export
`Mod.declared` <- function (z) {
  attributes (z) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("Mod")(z)

#' @export
`Re.declared` <- function (z) {
  attributes (z) <- NULL
  .Primitive ("Re")(z)

# anyDuplicated () ?
# cut() ?
# diff() ?

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declared documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:09 p.m.