
# Dynamically exported, see onLoad.R
# this functions will be registered when or if the package pillar is loaded
# using eval (parse ()) to avoid the huge dependency tree of vctrs, haven,
# labelled and pillar

`pillar_shaft.declared` <- function (
    show_labels = getOption ("declared.show_pillar_labels", TRUE),
    ...) {

    dots <- list (...)

    if (!isFALSE (dots$use_haven)) {
      if (eval (parse (text = "requireNamespace('haven', quietly = TRUE)"))) {
          return (eval (parse (
            text = "pillar::pillar_shaft(as.haven (x))"

    if (!isTRUE (show_labels) | !pillar_print_pkgs_available ()) {
        return (eval (parse (
            text = "pillar::pillar_shaft(drop(undeclare (x)))"

    if (is.numeric (x)) {
        val <- val_num_pillar_info(x)
        lbl <- lbl_pillar_info(x)

        mw <- max (
            val$disp_short$lhs_ws + val$disp_short$main_wid + lbl$wid_short
        w <- max (val$disp_full$lhs_ws + val$disp_full$main_wid + lbl$wid_full)

        eval (parse (text = paste (
            "pillar::new_pillar_shaft(list (val = val, lbl = lbl),",
            "min_width = mw, width = w, class = 'pillar_shaft_declared_num')"
    else {
        val <- val_chr_pillar_info(x)
        lbl <- lbl_pillar_info(x)

        mw <- max (val$wid_short + lbl$wid_short)
        w <- max (val$wid_full + lbl$wid_full)

        eval (parse (text = paste (
            "pillar::new_pillar_shaft(list (val = val, lbl = lbl),",
            "min_width = mw, width = w, class = 'pillar_shaft_declared_chr')"

`val_num_pillar_info` <- function (x) {
    val_pillar <- eval (parse (
        text = "pillar::pillar_shaft(haven::zap_labels (undeclare (x)))"

    disp_short <- num_disp_components (
        x, val_pillar, attr (val_pillar, "min_width")
    disp_full <- num_disp_components (x, val_pillar, attr (val_pillar, "width"))

    list (
        disp_short = disp_short,
        disp_full = disp_full

`num_disp_components` <- function (x, pillar, width) {
    display <- format (pillar, width)
    # Sometimes there's an extra leading space from pillar
    display <- trim_ws_lhs (display)
    # exponent notation formatting hinders stripping white space in NAs
    display[is.na (unclass (x))] <- eval (parse (
        text = "crayon::strip_style(display[is.na (unclass (x))])"

    display_untrimmed_wid <- eval (parse (text = "pillar::get_extent(display)"))
    display_max_wid <- max (display_untrimmed_wid)
    display <- trim_ws_rhs (display)
    main_wid <- eval (parse (text = "pillar::get_extent(display)"))
    display_trimmed_rhs <- display_untrimmed_wid - main_wid

    # display[is.na (unclass (x))] <- eval (parse (
    #     text = "pillar::style_na(display[is.na (unclass (x))])"
    # ))

    list (
        lhs_ws = max (main_wid + display_trimmed_rhs) -
                    (main_wid + display_trimmed_rhs),
        main_wid = main_wid,
        main_txt = display,
        rhs_ws = display_trimmed_rhs

`val_chr_pillar_info` <- function (x) {
    val_pillar <- eval (parse (
        text = "pillar::pillar_shaft(haven::zap_labels (x))"
    disp_full <- trim_ws_rhs (format (val_pillar, attr (val_pillar, "width")))
    wid_full <- eval (parse (text = "pillar::get_extent(disp_full)"))

    list (
        val_pillar = val_pillar,
        wid_short = pmin (MIN_CHR_DISPLAY, wid_full),
        disp_full = disp_full,
        wid_full = wid_full

`lbl_pillar_info` <- function (x) {
    labels <- attr (x, "labels")
    if (length (labels) > 0) {
        names (labels) <- eval (parse (
            text = "pillar::style_subtle(paste0 (' [', names (labels), ']'))"
        attr (x, "labels") <- labels
        label_display <- eval (parse (
            text = "as.character (x, drop_na = FALSE, nolabels = TRUE)"
        label_display[is.na (label_display)] <- ""
    } else {
        label_display <- character (length (x))
    label_widths <- eval (parse (text = "pillar::get_extent(label_display)"))
    label_min_widths <- ifelse (
        label_widths > 0, pmin (MIN_LBL_DISPLAY, label_widths), 0

    if (inherits (x, "declared")) {
        MIN_NA_DISPLAY <- 4
        na_display <- character (length (x))
        na_index <- attr (x, "na_index")
        eval (parse (
            text = "na_display[na_index] <- pillar::style_na(' (NA)')"
        na_widths <- eval (parse (
            text = "pillar::get_extent(na_display)"

        label_display <- paste0 (na_display, label_display)
        label_widths <- label_widths + na_widths
        label_min_widths <- label_min_widths + ifelse (
            label_widths > 0,
            pmin (MIN_NA_DISPLAY, label_widths),

    ret <- list (
        wid_short = label_min_widths,
        disp_full = label_display,
        wid_full = label_widths

`format.pillar_shaft_declared_num` <- function (x, width, ...) {
    vshort <- x$val$disp_short
    vfull <- x$val$disp_full
    lbl_wid <- pmax (0, x$lbl$wid_short - vfull$rhs_ws)

    if (width >= max (vfull$lhs_ws +vfull$main_wid + lbl_wid)) {
        lbl_width <- width - (vfull$lhs_ws + vfull$main_wid)
        lbl <- str_trunc (x$lbl$disp_full, lbl_width, subtle = TRUE)
        out <- paste_with_align (
            vfull$main_txt, lbl, vfull$lhs_ws, vfull$rhs_ws
    } else {
        lbl_width <- width - (vshort$lhs_ws + vshort$main_wid)
        lbl <- str_trunc (x$lbl$disp_full, lbl_width, subtle = TRUE)
        out <- paste_with_align (
            vshort$main_txt, lbl, vshort$lhs_ws, vshort$rhs_ws
    eval (parse (
        text = "pillar::new_ornament(out, width = width, align = 'right')"

`format.pillar_shaft_declared_chr` <- function (x, width, ...) {
    if (width >= max (x$val$wid_full + x$lbl$wid_short)) {
        lbl_width <- width - x$val$wid_full
        lbl <- str_trunc (x$lbl$disp_full, lbl_width, subtle = TRUE)
        out <- paste0 (x$val$disp_full, lbl)
    } else {
        val_widths <- pmin (x$val$wid_full, width - x$lbl$wid_short)
        val_display <- str_trunc (x$val$disp_full, val_widths)
        lbl <- str_trunc (x$lbl$disp_full, width - val_widths, subtle = TRUE)
        out <- paste0 (val_display, lbl)
    eval (parse (
        text = "pillar::new_ornament(out, width = width, align = 'left')"

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

`str_trunc` <- function (x, widths, subtle = FALSE) {
    str_width <- eval (parse (text = "pillar::get_extent(x)"))
    too_wide <- which (!is.na (x) & str_width > widths)

    continue_symbol <- eval (parse (text = "cli::symbol$continue"))
    if (subtle) continue_symbol <- eval (parse (
        text = "pillar::style_subtle(continue_symbol)"

    truncated <- Map(x[too_wide], widths[too_wide], f = function (item, wid) {
        aa <- eval (parse (text = "crayon::col_substr(item, 1, wid - 1)"))
        paste0 (aa, continue_symbol)
    truncated <- as.vector (truncated, "character")
    x[too_wide] <- truncated


`trim_ws_rhs` <- function (x) {
    sub ("[ \t\r\n]+$", "", x)

`trim_ws_lhs` <- function (x) {
    sub ("^[ \t\r\n]+", "", x)

`pad_space` <- function (n) {
    vapply (n, function (x) paste (rep (" ", x), collapse = ""), "")

`paste_with_align` <- function (x, y, lhs_ws, rhs_ws) {
    y_wid <- eval (parse (text = "pillar::get_extent(y)"))
    added_chars <- max (y_wid - rhs_ws)
    rhs_ws <- added_chars - (y_wid - rhs_ws)

    paste0 (pad_space (lhs_ws), x, y, pad_space (rhs_ws))

`pillar_print_pkgs_available` <- function () {
    eval (parse (text = "requireNamespace('crayon', quietly = TRUE)")) &
    eval (parse (text = "requireNamespace('cli', quietly = TRUE)"))

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declared documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:09 p.m.