Man pages for deepregression
Fitting Deep Distributional Regression

check_and_installFunction to check python environment and install necessary...
coef.drEnsembleMethod for extracting ensemble coefficient estimates
combine_penaltiesFunction to combine two penalties
convenience_layersConvenience layer function
create_familyFunction to create (custom) family
create_penaltyFunction to create mgcv-type penalty
cvGeneric cv function
deepregressionFitting Semi-Structured Deep Distributional Regression
distfun_to_distFunction to define output distribution based on dist_fun
dr_familiesFamilies for deepregression
ensembleGeneric deep ensemble function
ensemble.deepregressionEnsemblind deepregression models
extract_pure_gam_partExtract the smooth term from a deepregression term...
extract_SConvenience function to extract penalty matrix and value
extractvarExtract variable from term
family_to_tfdCharacter-tfd mapping function
family_to_trafoCharacter-to-transformation mapping function
fitted.drEnsembleMethod for extracting the fitted values of an ensemble
form_controlOptions for formula parsing
formulaHelpersFormula helpers
from_dist_to_lossFunction to transform a distritbution layer output into a...
from_preds_to_distDefine Predictor of a Deep Distributional Regression Model
gam_plot_dataused by gam_processor
get_distributionFunction to return the fitted distribution
get_ensemble_distributionObtain the conditional ensemble distribution
get_gamdataExtract property of gamdata
get_gamdata_reduced_nrExtract number in matching table of reduced gam term
get_gam_partExtract gam part from wrapped term
get_layer_by_opnameFunction to return layer given model and name
get_layernr_by_opnameFunction to return layer number given model and name
get_layernr_trainableFunction to return layer numbers with trainable weights
get_names_pfcExtract term names from the parsed formula content
get_partial_effectReturn partial effect of one smooth term
get_processor_nameExtract processor name from term
get_specialExtract terms defined by specials in formula
get_type_pfcFunction to subset parsed formulas
get_weight_by_nameFunction to retrieve the weights of a structured layer
get_weight_by_opnameFunction to return weight given model and name
hadamard_layersHadamard-type layers
handle_gam_termFunction to define smoothness and call mgcv's smooth...
keras_drCompile a Deep Distributional Regression Model
layer_sparse_conv_2dSparse 2D Convolutional layer
layer_splineFunction to define spline as TensorFlow layer
log_scoreFunction to return the log_score
loop_through_pfc_and_call_trafoFunction to loop through parsed formulas and apply data trafo
make_foldsGenerate folds for CV out of one hot encoded matrix
make_generatorcreates a generator for training
make_generator_from_matrixMake a DataGenerator from a data.frame or matrix
makeInputsConvenience layer function
makelayernameFunction that takes term and create layer name
methodDRGeneric functions for deepregression models
multioptimizerFunction to define an optimizer combining multiple optimizers
names_familiesReturns the parameter names for a given family
orthog_controlOptions for orthogonalization
orthog_PFunction to compute adjusted penalty when orthogonalizing
orthog_post_fittingOrthogonalize a Semi-Structured Model Post-hoc
orthog_structured_smooths_ZOrthogonalize structured term by another matrix
penalty_controlOptions for penalty setup in the pre-processing
pipePipe operator
plot_cvPlot CV results from deepregression
precalc_gamPre-calculate all gam parts from the list of formulas
predict_genGenerator function for deepregression objects
prepare_dataFunction to prepare data based on parsed formulas
prepare_newdataFunction to prepare new data based on parsed formulas
processorsFunction that creates layer for each processor
process_termsControl function to define the processor for terms in the...
quantGeneric quantile function
reinit_weightsGenereic function to re-intialize model weights
reinit_weights.deepregressionMethod to re-initialize weights of a '"deepregression"' model
separate_define_relationFunction to define orthogonalization connections in the...
stddevGeneric sd function
stop_iter_cv_resultFunction to get the stoppting iteration from CV
subnetwork_initInitializes a Subnetwork based on the Processed Additive...
tfd_mseFor using mean squared error via TFP
tfd_zinbImplementation of a zero-inflated negbinom distribution for...
tfd_zipImplementation of a zero-inflated poisson distribution for...
tf_repeatTensorFlow repeat function which is not available for TF 2.0
tf_row_tensorRow-wise tensor product using TensorFlow
tf_split_multipleSplit tensor in multiple parts
tf_stride_colsFunction to index tensors columns
tf_stride_last_dim_tensorFunction to index tensors last dimension
update_miniconda_deepregressionFunction to update miniconda and packages
weight_controlOptions for weights of layers
deepregression documentation built on Jan. 18, 2023, 1:11 a.m.