Man pages for degreenet
Models for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to Networks

acmpmleConway Maxwell Poisson Modeling of Discrete Data
adqemleDiscrete version of q-Exponential Modeling of Discrete Data
aplnmlePoisson Lognormal Modeling of Discrete Data
arplnmleRounded Poisson Lognormal Modeling of Discrete Data
awarmleWaring Modeling of Discrete Data
ayulemleYule Distribution Modeling of Discrete Data
bsdpCalculate Bootstrap Estimates and Confidence Intervals for...
bsnbCalculate Bootstrap Estimates and Confidence Intervals for...
bsplnCalculate Bootstrap Estimates and Confidence Intervals for...
bswarCalculate Bootstrap Estimates and Confidence Intervals for...
bsyuleCalculate Bootstrap Estimates and Confidence Intervals for...
degreenet-internalInternal degreenet Objects
degreenet-packageModels for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to Networks
gyulemleModels for Count Distributions
llgyuleCalculate the Conditional log-likelihood for Count...
llgyuleallCalculate the log-likelihood for Count Distributions
llplnCalculate the Conditional log-likelihood for the Poisson...
llyuleCalculate the Conditional log-likelihood for Count...
llyuleallCalculate the log-likelihood for Count Distributions
reedmolloyGenerate a undirected network with a given sequence of...
ryuleGenerate a (non-random) network from a Yule Distribution
simcmpSimulate from a Conway Maxwell Poisson Distribution
simdpSimulate from a Discrete Pareto Distribution
simnbSimulate from a Negative Binomial Distribution
simplnSimulate from a Poisson Lognormal Distribution
simwarSimulate from a Waring Distribution
simyuleSimulate from a Yule Distribution
swedenNumber of sex partners in the last 12 months for men and...
degreenet documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:20 a.m.