sweden: Number of sex partners in the last 12 months for men and...

swedenR Documentation

Number of sex partners in the last 12 months for men and women in Sweden


This is a data set used in Jones and Handcock (2002) and

The data are counts of the numbers of sex partners for men and women in the last twelve months. The data from the 1996 “Sex in Sweden" survey based on a nationwide probability sample and financed by the Swedish National Board of Health.




We thanks Dr. Bo Lewin, Professor of Sociology, Uppsala University and head of the research team responsible for the “Sex in Sweden" study for providing the Swedish data used in this study. This research supported by Grant 7R01DA012831-02 from NIDA and Grant 1R01HD041877 from NICHD.


Lewin, B. (1996). Sex in Sweden, Stockholm: National Institute of Public Health.

Handcock, Mark S. and Jones, James Holland (2004), “Likelihood-Based Inference for Stochastic Models of Sexual Network Formation" Theoretical Population Biology, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.tpb.2003.09.006")}.

Jones, James Holland and Handcock, Mark S. (2003), Nature, 423, 6940, 605-606.

Handcock, Mark S. and Jones, James Holland (2003), “An assessment of preferential attachment as a mechanism for human sexual network formation" Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 270, 1123-1128.

See Also


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