Man pages for degross
Density Estimation from GROuped Summary Statistics

ddegrossDensity function based on an object resulting from the...
degrossDensity estimation from tabulated data with given frequencies...
degrossDataCreates a degrossData.object from the observed tabulated...
degrossData.objectObject generated from grouped summary statistics, including...
degross_lpostLog-posterior (with gradient and Fisher information) for...
degross_lpostBasicLog-posterior for given spline parameters, big bin (and...
degross.objectObject resulting from the estimation of a density from...
pdegrossCumulative distribution function (cdf) based on an object...
plot.degrossPlot the density estimate obtained from grouped summary...
print.degrossPrint a 'degross' object.
print.degrossDataPrint a 'degrossData' object.
qdegrossQuantile function based on an object resulting from the...
Sigma_funVariance-covariance of sample central moments (root-n...
simDegrossDataSimulation of grouped data and their sample moments to...
degross documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 5:06 p.m.