SingleSimFit.object: SingleSimFit object

Description Arguments Details


A SingleSimFit object is returned from calling Simfit with a SingleSim object. It can be used to both impute data sets or can be summarized



The SingleSim object to which a model has been fitted


The model which has been fitted


A function which returns a list of parameters from the model fit(s) which can be used when performing the gamma imputation. It takes one argument, use.uncertainty (by default is TRUE) which if TRUE stochastically incorporates uncertainty into the parameter estimates in preparation for use with imputation If a Poisson/quasi-Poisson model was fitted to the SingleSimFit object then this will be NULL


dispersion whether equal dispersions were used when fitting model(s) to the data


A summary.SingleSimFit method has been implemented

dejaVu documentation built on April 27, 2021, 5:07 p.m.