daily.data: Calculation of daily statistics for dendrometer data

View source: R/daily.data.R

daily.dataR Documentation

Calculation of daily statistics for dendrometer data


This function calculates various statistics of dendrometer data on a daily basis. The daily statistics includes the daily maximum and minimum with their corresponding times and daily amplitude (difference between daily maximum and minimum). See King et al. (2013) for details.


daily.data(df, TreeNum)



dataframe with first column containing date and time in the format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS and the dendrometer data in following columns.


numerical value indicating the tree to be analysed. E.g. '1' refers to the first dendrometer data column in df.


A dataframe with the daily statistics of the dendrometer data that contains:

Columns Description
DOY The day of year.
min The minimum value record for the corresponding day.
Time_min The time when minimum value recorded for the corresponding day.
max The maximum value record for the corresponding day.
Time_max The time when maximum value recorded for the corresponding day.
mean The daily average value of the dendrometer reading.
median The daily median value of the dendrometer reading.
amplitude The difference between daily maximum and daily minimum.


King G, Fonti P, Nievergelt D, Büntgen U, Frank D (2013) Climatic drivers of hourly to yearly tree radius variations along a 6°C natural warming gradient. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168:36–46. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.08.002


daily_stats<-daily.data(df=nepa17, TreeNum=1)

dendRoAnalyst documentation built on Nov. 16, 2022, 9:07 a.m.