Man pages for dendroNetwork
Create Networks of Dendrochronological Series using Pairwise Similarity

clique_community_namesClique Percolation Method (with node names)
clique_community_names_parClique Percolation Method (with node names)
cor_mat_overlapPearson correlation matrix
cyto_clean_stylesCleaning nearly all styles in cytoscape session and import...
cyto_create_cpm_styleCreate CPM style in Cytoscape
cyto_create_gn_styleCreate Girvan-Newman communities style in Cytoscape
cyto_create_graphCreate networks in Cytoscape
dendro_networkCreate dendrochronologial networks
dendroNetwork-packagedendroNetwork: Create Networks of Dendrochronological Series...
find_all_cpm_comFinding all CPM communities in a network/graph
gn_namesCommunity detection using the Girvan-Newman algorithm
hol_romRoman tree-ring site chronologies from Hollstein
RING_Visser_2021Roman tree-ring site chronologies
sim_tableSimilarity table of tree-ring curves for the creation of a...
t_valueStudents' t value
wuchswerteWuchswerte (Hollstein 1980)
dendroNetwork documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:08 a.m.