cyto_create_cpm_style: Create CPM style in Cytoscape

View source: R/cyto_create_cpm_style.R

cyto_create_cpm_styleR Documentation

Create CPM style in Cytoscape


Function to create a style in Cytoscape to visualise the communities in a network using clique percolation method (CPM: Palla et al., 2005). See also: find_all_cpm_com() Each node is filled with the colour of the community. If a node is part of several communities a pie chart is used to show the various community colours. The function uses a graph as input and the number of cliques (default = 3). The style can be specified or automatically named based on the name of the network an the number of cliques. Before starting this function, Cytoscape must be up and running!


cyto_create_cpm_style(graph_input, k = 3, com_k = NULL, style_name = "auto")



the graph with the CPM communities


clique size for the visualisation. This should be an integer with the value 3 or higher


data_frame with the communities for the specific clique size (two columns: node and com_name). This is the result of clique_community_names_par() or clique_community_names()


name of the output style in Cytoscape. If set to "auto", the style is derived from the name of the network and value for k


The style applied in Cytoscape, no objects in R as return.


## Not run: 
sim_table_hol <- sim_table(hol_rom)
g_hol <- dendro_network(sim_table_hol)
hol_com_cpm_k3 <- clique_community_names(g_hol, k = 3)
cyto_create_cpm_style(g_hol, k = 3, com_k = hol_com_cpm_k3)

## End(Not run)

dendroNetwork documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:08 a.m.