denvax: denvax: Simple Dengue Test and Vaccinate Cost Thresholds

Description denvax functions


Provides the mathematical model described by "Serostatus Testing & Dengue Vaccine Cost-Benefit Thresholds" in <doi:10.1098/rsif.2019.0234>. Using the functions in the package, that analysis can be repeated using sample life histories, either synthesized from local seroprevalence data using other functions in this package (as in the manuscript) or from some other source. The package provides a vignette which walks through the analysis in the publication, as well as a function to generate a project skeleton for such an analysis.

denvax functions


fits serosurvey data against two-risk model


using parameter fit data, generate a sample population


estimate dengue infection outcome probabilities based on a synthetic population


using population outcome probabilities, compute ROI equation coefficients


compute ROIs from setting coefficients and cost scenarios


create a template project for estimating ROIs

denvax documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 1:09 a.m.