Man pages for desk
Didactic Econometrics Starter Kit

accAutocorrelation Coefficient
ar1simSimulate AR(1) Process
argumentsArguments of a Function
bc.modelOne Dimensional Box-Cox Model
bc.testBox-Cox Test
bp.testBreusch-Pagan Test
cochorcEstimating Linear Models under AR(1) with Cochrane-Orcutt...
data.anscombeAnscombe's Quartet
data.autoPrices and Qualitative Characteristics of US-Cars
data.ballbDefective Ball Bearings
data.burglaryBurglaries and Power Blackouts
data.carsSpeed and Stopping Distances of Cars
data.cobbdougCobb-Douglas Production Function
data.compMonthly Rentals and Qualitative Characteristics of Computers
data.euExpenditures of the EU-25
data.fertilizerFertilizer in the Cultivation of Barley
data.filterWater Filter Sales
data.govexpendGovernment Expenditures of US-States
data.icecreamSales of Ice Cream
data.incomeIncome Per Capita
data.insuranceSales of Insurance Contracts
data.ivInstrumental Variables
data.lifesatLife Satisfaction
data.macroMacroeconomic Data from Germany
data.milkMilk Production
data.pharmaPharmaceutical Advertisements
data.printerPrices and Qualitative Characteristics of Laser Printers
data.regionalRegional Cost of Living in Germany
data.rentAverage Basic Rent in City Districts
data.savingsInternational Life-Cycle Savings and Disposable Income
datasetsDatasets in DESK
data.sickSick Leave and Unemployment
data.softwareEmployment Data of a Software Company
data.spuriousNon-Stationary Time Series Data
data.tipTip Data in a Restaurant
data.tip.allTip Data in a Restaurant with all 20 observations. Only used...
data.tradeGravity Model Applied to Germany
data.unemplGerman Economic Growth and Unemployment Rates
data.wageWage Data in a Company
data.windscreenEfficiency of a Car Glass Service Company
ddwDurbin Watson Distribution
def.expLambda Deformed Exponential
def.logLambda Deformed Logarithm
dw.testDurbin-Watson Test on AR(1) Autocorrelation
gq.testGoldfeld-Quandt Test
hccHeteroskedasticity Corrected Covariance Matrix
hiluEstimating Linear Models under AR(1) Autocorrelation with...
ivrTwo-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) Instrumental Variable...
jb.testJarque-Bera Test
lagk1 to k-Period Lags of Given Vector
makedata.bcGenerate Artificial, Non-linear Data for Simple Regression
makedata.corrGenerate Exogenous Normal Data with Specified Correlations
mc.tableGenerate R² Matrix of all Possible Regressions Among...
new.sessionR Session Reset
olsOrdinary Least Squares Regression
ols.has.constCheck if Model has a Constant
ols.infocritCalculate Common Information Criteria
ols.intervalCalculate Different Types of Intervals in a Linear Model
ols.predictPredictions in a Linear Model
par.F.testF-test on Multiple Linear Combinations of Estimated...
par.t.testt-Test on Estimated Parameters of a Linear Model
pc.testPrognostic Chow Test on Structural Break
pdwDurbin-Watson Distribution
plot.deskSimplified Plotting of Regression- and Test-results
print.deskAlternative Console Output for Regression- and Test-results
qlr.cvCalculates the critical value in a Quandt Likelihood...
qlr.testQuandt Likelihood Ratio-Test for Structural Breaks in any...
repeat.sampleGenerates OLS Data and Confidence/Prediction Intervals for...
reset.testRESET Method for Non-linear Functional Form
rm.allRemove All Objects
roll.winRolling Window Analysis of a Time Series
rprofile.addAdd a Command to User R Startup File
rprofile.openOpen User R Startup File
SxyVariation and Covariation
wh.testWhite Heteroskedasticity Test
desk documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:05 a.m.