data.windscreen: Efficiency of a Car Glass Service Company

data.windscreenR Documentation

Efficiency of a Car Glass Service Company


This is a data set on the business statistics of 248 branches of a car glass service company in 2015.




A data frame with 248 observations on the following eight variables:

screen number of windscreen replacements in the branch.
foreman foremen employed in the branch.
assist assistants employed in the branch.
f.wage foremen's average wage in the branch.
a.wage assistants' average wage in the branch.
f.age foremen's average age in the branch.
a.age assistants' average age in the branch.
capital total value of machines used for windscreen replacement in the branch (in euro).


In Auer et al. (2023, Chap. 20) these hypothetical data illustrate the use of two stage least squares estimation with instrumental variables.


Auer, L.v., Hoffmann, S. & Kranz, T. (2023): Ökonometrie - Das R-Arbeitsbuch, 2nd ed., Springer-Gabler (

desk documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:05 a.m.

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