
Defines functions poly_fit_cols poly_fit_pillars

poly_fit_pillars <- function(arr3d, degree, parallel = FALSE) {
  d <- dim(arr3d)
  if (degree >= d[3]) {
      "Your pillars are of length ", d[3], ". This is too short. ",
      "To fit a polynomial of degree ", degree, ", your pillars must be ",
      "of length at least ", d[3] + 1, "."
  pillars_to_cols(arr3d, parallel = parallel) %>%
    poly_fit_cols(degree, parallel = parallel) %>%
    cols_to_pillars(dim(arr3d), parallel = parallel)

poly_fit_cols <- function(mat, degree, parallel = FALSE) {
  degree <- floor(degree)
  nr <- nrow(mat)
  if (degree >= nr) {
      "Your columns are of length {nr}. This is too short. ",
      To fit a polynomial of degree {degree}, your pillars must be
      of length at least {degree + 1}.
  x1 <- seq_len(nr)
  x <- stats::poly(x1, degree, raw = TRUE)
  n_cores <- translate_parallel(parallel)
  na_cols <- apply(mat, 2, anyNA)
  any_na_cols <- any(na_cols)
  out <- mat %T>% {
    .[] <- NA
  if (any_na_cols) {
    non_na_cols <- !na_cols
    mat <- mat[, non_na_cols, drop = FALSE]
  if (n_cores == 1) {
    fits <- stats::fitted(stats::lm(mat ~ x))
  } else {
    it <- iter_mat_col_sets(mat, n_cores)
    fits <- foreach::foreach(cols = it, .combine = "cbind") %dopar% {
      stats::fitted(stats::lm(cols ~ x))
  if (any_na_cols) {
    out[, non_na_cols] <- fits
  } else {

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detrendr documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:52 p.m.