outbreak: Composite defoliation series to determine outbreak events

View source: R/main.R

outbreakR Documentation

Composite defoliation series to determine outbreak events


outbreak() takes a defol object from defoliate_trees() and composites it into a site-level object. Function parameters allow the user to filter the tree-level series in various ways to optimize thresholds of what constitutes an "outbreak" level event recorded by the host trees.


outbreak(x, filter_perc = 25, filter_min_series = 3, filter_min_defol = 1)



a defol object


the minimum percentage of defoliated trees to be considered an outbreak. Default is 25 percent.


The minimum number of trees required for an outbreak event. Default is 3 trees.


The minimum number of trees recording a defoliation event. Default is 1 tree.


A data.frame obr object for the site that includes all trees in the host defol object. Columns in the obr include:

  1. year for every year in the set of host trees,

  2. num_defol the number of trees recording a defoliation event,

  3. percent_defol the percent of trees recording a defoliation,

  4. num_max_defol the number of trees recording a maximum growth suppression (or peak of that event on that tree),

  5. perc_max_defol the percent of trees at maximum defoliation,

  6. mean_gsi the average of all trees growth suppression index (gsi),

  7. mean_ngsi the average of all trees normalized growth suppression index (ngsi),

  8. outbreak_status whether that year constitutes an outbreak based on the filters applied to the function.



dfoliatR documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 1:08 a.m.