add: Add variables

View source: R/add.R

addR Documentation

Add variables


Add new variables by mutating the input variables using a formula.


add(from, formula, as = NULL,
    position = c("right", "left"),
    na.remove = FALSE, logic_convert = TRUE,...)



a data.frame object with variables


a formula indicating the operation to create new varibles. Look at the detail section for explanantion.


a character vector with names of new variables.


if the new varaibles are positioned at the begining (right) or at the left (left) of the data in input.


a logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed.


logical value indicating if the new logical varaible are convertet to 0 or 1


further arguments


The formula is composed of two part:

~ new_variables

the right-hand are the new varaible to add starting from the existing varaibles, using the I() function.

For example:

~ I(log(column_names1)) + I(column_names2/100)

the column_names1 and log(column_names1) are added to the data.

If na.remove is set ti TRUE, new variables are created, added to the dataset in input and then the observation with missing are removed.


Returns a data.frame object with the original and the new varaibles.


Alessio Serafini


dt <- airquality

head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ log(Ozone)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ log(Ozone) +  log(Wind)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ log(Ozone), as = "Ozone_1"))

head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Wind ~ log()))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ log()))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  .~ log(), position = "left"))

head(add(from = dt, formula =  .~ log(), na.remove = TRUE))

head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ I((Ozone>5))))
head(add(from = dt, formula =   ~ I((Ozone>5)), logic_convert = FALSE ))

head(add(from = dt, formula = Ozone + Wind ~ C(Ozone-Ozone)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ C(log(Ozone))))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ C(5)))
head(add(from = dt, formula = Ozone + Wind ~ C(Ozone-Ozone)))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Wind ~ C(log(Ozone))))

foo <- function(x, a = 100){return(x-x + a)}

head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Month~ I(foo(a = 100))))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  Ozone + Month~ foo()))
head(add(from = dt, formula =  ~ I(foo(Ozone, a = 100))))

dformula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:37 a.m.