Casaux1998: Casaux1998

Casaux1998R Documentation



Raw data from Casaux, 1998. Prey is listed in percent frequency, percent number, and percent mass consumed.




A data frames containing diet data for two populations (Potter Cove & Harmony Point) of Harpagifer antarcticus from the South Shetland Islands.

  • Record: The record, in this case the name for the two populations, Harpagifer_antarcticus_PotterCove and Harpagifer_antarcticus_HarmonyPoint for populations from Potter Cover and Harmony Point respectively.

  • Prey: Name of the prey item consumes.

  • PercentOccurrence: Data for the percent occurrence of the prey consumed.

  • PercentNumber: Data for the percent number of the prey consumed.

  • PercentWeight: Data for the percent weight of the prey consumed.


Data from Casaux, 1998 for the diet of Harpagifer antarcticus from two localities in the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica.


  • Casaux R. 1998. The contrasting diet of Harpagifer antarcticus (Notothenioidei, Harpagiferidae) at two localities of the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Polar Biology 19:283-285.

dietr documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:01 p.m.