diezeit: ZEIT ONLINE Content API

Description Details See Also


A wrapper for the ZEIT ONLINE Content API, available at http://developer.zeit.de. It gives access to articles and corresponding metadata from the ZEIT archive and from ZEIT ONLINE. A personal API key is required for usage.


Accessing the ZEIT archive requires an API key, that can be requested at http://developer.zeit.de/quickstart. Registration is free and allows for API-Access with a limit of 10,000 requests per day. If you do not want to enter your key for each R session, put the following in your .Renviron or .Rprofile file: ZEIT_KEY=PUTYOURKEYHERE

See Also

zeit_client for client information and usage, zeit_search for ZEIT archive search or zeit_get to get content from the ZEIT archive.

diezeit documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:50 p.m.