Code in Chapter 10: Dealing with Heterogeneity II: The Mixed Logit Model

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library(AER) # Applied Econometrics with R 
library(dplyr) # A Grammar of Data Manipulation
library(ggplot2) # Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
library(gmnl) # Multinomial Logit Models with Random Parameters
library(gridExtra) # Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics
library(kableExtra) # Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
library(mlogit) # Multinomial Logit Models
library(stargazer) # Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables
library(tibble) # Simple Data Frames
library(tidyr) # Tidy Messy Data
     package = "AER")
Proportion <- TravelMode %>% 
  filter(choice == "yes") %>%
  select(mode) %>%
  group_by(mode) %>%
  summarise(no_rows = length(mode))

# Calculate the median of the variables
df <- TravelMode %>% 
  group_by(mode) %>% 
  summarize(vcost = median(vcost), 
            wait = median(wait), 
            travel = median(travel))

# Calculate proportions
df$Proportion <- Proportion$no_rows/(nrow(TravelMode)/4)

df %>%
  kable(digits = 3) %>%
TM <-, 
                  choice = "choice", 
                  shape = "long",
                  alt.levels = c("air", 
#Multinomial logit
mnl0 <- mlogit(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | 1,
             data = TM)

#Nested logit:
nl <- mlogit(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | 1,
             data = TM,
             nests = list(land = c( "car",
                          air = c("air")),
             un.nest.el = TRUE)

#Multinomial probit:
prbt <- mlogit(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | 1,
             data = TM,
             probit = TRUE)

```rNests in the nested logit model", echo=FALSE} knitr::include_graphics("figures/10-Figure-1.png")

# Estimate a constants only model to calculate McFadden's _adjusted_ rho2
mnl_null_lo = -283.83

mnl0.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mnl0)$CoefTable), 
                                   "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

nl.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(nl)$CoefTable), 
                                 "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

prbt.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(prbt)$CoefTable), 
                                   "Variable") %>% 
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

# Join summary tables
df_logit <- mnl0.summary %>%
            by = "Variable") %>% 
            by = "Variable")

      digits = 4,
      col.names = c("Variable",
      caption = "\\label{tab:base-models}Base models: 
      multinomial logit (MNL), nested logit (NL), multinomial probit (MNP)") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "MNL" = 2, "NL" = 2, "MNP" = 2)) %>%
  footnote(general = c(paste0("Log-Likelihood: MNL = ", 
                              round(mnl0$logLik[1], digits = 3),
                              "; NL = ", 
                              round(nl$logLik[1], digits = 3),
                              "; MNP = ", 
                              round(prbt$logLik[1], digits = 3)),
                       paste0("McFadden Adjusted R^2: MNL = ", 
                              round(1 - (mnl0$logLik[1] - nrow(mnl0.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3),
                              "; NL = ", 
                              round(1 - (nl$logLik[1] - nrow(nl.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3),
                              "; MNP = ", 
                              round(1 - (prbt$logLik[1] - nrow(prbt.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3))))
(nl$coefficients["iv"] - 1) / sqrt(vcov(nl)["iv","iv"])
print("A piece of advice: never punch a shark in the mouth")
mixl_t <- gmnl(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | 1,
             data = TM,
             model = "mixl", 
             ranp = c(travel = "n"),
             R = 50)

mixl_w <- gmnl(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | 1,
             data = TM, 
             model = "mixl", 
             ranp = c(wait = "n"), 
             R = 50)

mixl <- gmnl(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | 1,
             data = TM, 
             model = "mixl", 
             ranp = c(travel = "n", wait = "n"), 
             R = 60)
# Estimate a constants only model to calculate McFadden's _adjusted_ rho2
mixl0 <- gmnl(choice ~ 1,
             data = TM, 
             model = "mnl")

mixl_t.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mixl_t)$CoefTable),
                                     "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

mixl_w.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mixl_w)$CoefTable), 
                                     "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

mixl.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mixl)$CoefTable),
                                   "Variable") %>% 
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

mixl_table_1 <- full_join(mixl_t.summary, 
                          by = "Variable") %>% 
            by = "Variable")

      digits = 4,
      col.names = c("Variable",
      caption = "\\label{tab:table-mixed-logit-models}Mixed logit models",
      ) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "MIXL T" = 2, "MIXL W" = 2, "MIXL T&W" = 2)) %>%
  footnote(general = c(paste0("Log-Likelihood: MIXL T = ",
                                    digits = 3),
                            "; MIXL W = ", 
                                  digits = 3),
                            "; MIXL T&W = ", 
                                  digits = 3)),
                       # Calculate McFadden's  rho-2
                       paste0("McFadden Adjusted R^2: MIXL T = ",
                              round(1 - (mixl_t$logLik$maximum - nrow(mixl_t.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3),
                              "; MIXL W = ", 
                              round(1 - (mixl_w$logLik$maximum - nrow(mixl_w.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3),
                              "; MIXL T&W = ", 
                              round(1 - (mixl$logLik$maximum - nrow(mixl.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3))))
# Retrieve the estimated parameters
mu <- coef(mixl_w)['wait']
sigma <- coef(mixl_w)['sd.wait']

# Create a data frame for plotting
df <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -0.6, 
                        to = 0.2, 
                        by = 0.005)) %>%
  # Draw from the normal distribution for x given the mean and sd
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x,
                        mean = mu, 
                        sd = sigma))

# Same, but only positive values of x
df_p <- data.frame(x = seq(from = 0, 
                           to = 0.2, 
                           by = 0.005)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, 
                        mean = mu, 
                        sd = sigma))
# Plot
ggplot() +
  # Plot the distribution
  geom_area(data = df, 
            aes(x = x, 
                y = normal), 
            fill = "orange", 
            alpha = 0.5) +
  # Plot the distribution for positive values of x only
  geom_area(data = df_p, 
            aes(x = x,
                y = normal), 
            fill = "orange", 
            alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + # Add y axis
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + # Add x axis
  ylab("f(x)") + # Label the y axis
  xlab(expression(beta[n][wait])) + # Label the x axis
  ggtitle("Unconditional distribution for wait parameter")
1 - pnorm(0,
          mean = coef(mixl_w)['wait'],
          sd = coef(mixl_w)['sd.wait'])
1 - pnorm(-coef(mixl_w)['wait'] / coef(mixl_w)['sd.wait'])
# Define parameters for the distribution of willingness to pay
mu <- coef(mixl_w)['wait'] / coef(mixl_w)['vcost']
sigma <- sqrt(coef(mixl_w)['sd.wait']^2/ coef(mixl_w)['vcost']^2)

# Create a data frame for plotting
df <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -10, to = 30, by = 0.1)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, mean = mu, sd = sigma))
# Plot
ggplot() +
  geom_area(data = df, aes(x, normal), fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5) +
#  geom_area(data = df_p, aes(x, normal), fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5) +
  #ylim(c(0, 1/(2 * L) + 0.2 * 1/(2 * L))) + # Set the limits of the y axis
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + # Add y axis
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + # Add x axis
  ylab("f(x)") + # Label the y axis
  xlab(expression(WTP[n][wait])) + # Label the x axis
  ggtitle("Unconditional distribution for willingness to pay for wait")
# Define parameters for the distribution
bn_wait <- effect.gmnl(mixl_w, 
                       par = "wait", 
                       # Choose conditional effect
                       effect = "ce")

# Create a data frame for plotting
df <- data.frame(bn_wait = bn_wait$mean)

# Plot
ggplot() +
  geom_density(data = df, 
            aes(x = bn_wait), 
            fill = "orange", 
            alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + # Add y axis
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + # Add x axis
  ylab("f(x)") + # Label the y axis
  xlab(expression(beta[n][wait])) + # Label the x axis
  ggtitle("Conditional distribution for wait parameter")
# Define parameters for the distribution
wtp_wait <- effect.gmnl(mixl_w, 
                       par = "wait", 
                       # Effects is willingness to pay
                       effect = "wtp", 
                       # With respect to vcost
                       wrt = "vcost")

# Create a data frame for plotting
df <- data.frame(wtp_wait = wtp_wait$mean)

# Plot
ggplot() +
  geom_density(data = df, 
            aes(x = wtp_wait), 
            fill = "orange", 
            alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + # Add y axis
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + # Add x axis
  ylab("f(x)") + # Label the y axis
  xlab(expression(WTP[n][wait])) + # Label the x axis
  ggtitle("Conditional willingness to pay for wait parameter wrt to vcost")
TM <- mutate(TravelMode, 
             `wait:income` = wait * income,  
             `travel:income` = travel * income,
             `wait:size` = wait * size,  
             `travel:size` = travel * size)

TM <-, 
                  choice = "choice", 
                  shape = "long",
                  alt.levels = c("air", 
mnl_cov <- mlogit(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | income + size,
             data = TM)

mnl_exp <- mlogit(choice ~ vcost + travel + travel:income + travel:size + wait + wait:income | 1,
             data = TM)
mnl_null_lo = -283.83

mnl1.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mnl_cov)$CoefTable), 
                                   "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

mnl2.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mnl_exp)$CoefTable),
                                   "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

df_logit_2 <- mnl1.summary %>% 
            by = "Variable")

      digits = 4,
      col.names = c("Variable",
                    "p-value")) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "MNL - Covariates" = 2, "MNL - Expansion" = 2)) %>%
  footnote(general = c(paste0("Log-Likelihood: MNL - Covariates = ", 
                                    digits = 3),
                            "; MNL - Expansion = ", 
                                  digits = 3)),
                       # Calculate McFadden's  rho-2
                       paste0("McFadden Adjusted R^2: MNL - Covariates = ",
                              round(1 - (mnl_cov$logLik[1] - nrow(mnl1.summary)) / 
                                    digits = 3),
                              "; NL = ", 
                              round(1 - (mnl_exp$logLik[1] - nrow(mnl2.summary)) /
                                    digits = 3))))
# Create a data frame for plotting
df <- data.frame(income = seq(from = min(TM$income),
                              to = max(TM$income), 
                              by = 1)) %>%
  mutate(time = coef(mnl_exp)['travel'] + coef(mnl_exp)['travel:income'] * income,
         wait = coef(mnl_exp)['wait'] + coef(mnl_exp)['wait:income'] * income) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -income,
               names_to = "variable",
               values_to = "coefficient")

# Plot
ggplot(df) +
  geom_line(aes(x = income, 
                y = coefficient, 
                color = variable))
mixl_w1 <- gmnl(choice ~ vcost + travel + wait | income + size,
             data = TM,
             model = "mixl", 
             ranp = c(wait = "n"), 
             R = 50)

mixl_w2 <- gmnl(choice ~ vcost + travel + travel:income + travel:size + 
                  wait + wait:income | 1,
             data = TM, 
             model = "mixl",
             ranp = c(wait = "n"), 
             R = 50)
mixl_w1.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mixl_w1)$CoefTable),
                                      "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

mixl_w2.summary <- rownames_to_column(data.frame(summary(mixl_w2)$CoefTable), 
                                      "Variable") %>%
            pval = `Pr...z..`)

mixl_table_2 <- mixl_w1.summary %>%
            by = "Variable")

      digits = 4,
      col.names = c("Variable",
                    "p-value")) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "MIXL W-1" = 2, "MIXL W-2" = 2)) %>%
  footnote(general = c(paste0("Log-Likelihood: MIXL W-1 = ", 
                                    digits = 3),
                            "; MIXL W-2 = ", 
                                  digits = 3)),
                       # Calculate McFadden's  rho-2
                       paste0("McFadden Adjusted R^2: MIXL W-1 = ", 
                              round(1 - (mixl_w1$logLik$maximum - nrow(mixl_w1.summary)) /
                                    digits = 3),
                              "; MIXL W-2 = ", 
                              round(1 - (mixl_w2$logLik$maximum - nrow(mixl_w2.summary)) /
                                    digits = 3))))
# Define parameters for the distribution of willingness to pay
# Obtain quartiles
q <- quantile(TM$income, c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))

# Define parameters for the distribution
mu_w <- coef(mixl_w)['wait']
sigma_w <- coef(mixl_w)['sd.wait']

# First quartile
mu_w2.1 <- coef(mixl_w2)['wait'] + coef(mixl_w2)["wait:income"] * q[2]
sigma_w2.1 <- coef(mixl_w2)['sd.wait']

# Third quartile
mu_w2.3 <- coef(mixl_w2)['wait'] + coef(mixl_w2)["wait:income"] * q[4]
sigma_w2.3 <- coef(mixl_w2)['sd.wait']

# Create a data frame for plotting
df_w <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -0.6,
                          to = 0.2, 
                          by = 0.005)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, 
                        mean = mu_w, 
                        sd = sigma_w))

df_w2.1 <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -0.6, 
                             to = 0.2, 
                             by = 0.005)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, 
                        mean = mu_w2.1, 
                        sd = sigma_w2.1))
df_w2.3 <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -0.6, 
                             to = 0.2, 
                             by = 0.005)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, 
                        mean = mu_w2.3, 
                        sd = sigma_w2.3))

# Plot
ggplot() +
  geom_area(data = df_w2.1, 
            aes(x = x, 
                y = normal), 
            fill = "yellow", 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(data = df_w2.1,
            aes(x = x, 
                y = normal),
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_area(data = df_w2.3, 
            aes(x = x,
                y = normal), 
            fill = "red", 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(data = df_w2.3, 
            aes(x = x, 
                y = normal), 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(data = df_w, 
            aes(x = x,
                y =normal),
            linetype = 3) +
  #ylim(c(0, 1/(2 * L) + 0.2 * 1/(2 * L))) + # Set the limits of the y axis
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + # Add y axis
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + # Add x axis
  ylab("f(x)") + # Label the y axis
  ggtitle("Unconditional distribution for wait parameter (dashed line is MIXL W)")
# Define parameters for the distribution of willingness to pay
# Obtain quartiles
q <- quantile(TM$income, c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))

# MIX W2 First quartile
mu_w2.1 <- (coef(mixl_w2)['wait'] + coef(mixl_w2)['wait:income'] * q[2]) *
  (1 / coef(mixl_w2)['vcost'])
sigma_w2.1 <- coef(mixl_w2)['sd.wait'] * sqrt((1 / coef(mixl_w2)['vcost'])^2)

# MIX W2 Third quartile
mu_w2.3 <- (coef(mixl_w2)['wait'] + coef(mixl_w2)['wait:income'] * q[4]) * 
  (1 / coef(mixl_w2)['vcost'])
sigma_w2.3 <- coef(mixl_w2)['sd.wait'] * sqrt((1 / coef(mixl_w2)['vcost'])^2)

mu_w <- coef(mixl_w)['wait'] * (1 / coef(mixl_w)['vcost'])
sigma_w <- coef(mixl_w)['sd.wait'] * sqrt((1 / coef(mixl_w)['vcost'])^2)

# Create data frames for plotting
df_w2.1 <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -10, 
                             to = 30,
                             by = 0.1)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, 
                        mean = mu_w2.1, 
                        sd = sigma_w2.1))

df_w2.3 <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -10, 
                             to = 30, 
                             by = 0.1)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, 
                        mean = mu_w2.3, 
                        sd = sigma_w2.3))

df_w <- data.frame(x =seq(from = -10, 
                          to = 30, 
                          by = 0.1)) %>% 
  mutate(normal = dnorm(x, mean = mu_w, sd = sigma_w))

# Plot
ggplot() +
  geom_area(data = df_w2.1, 
            aes(x = x,
                y = normal), 
            fill = "yellow", 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(data = df_w2.1, 
            aes(x = x,
                y = normal), 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_area(data = df_w2.3, 
            aes(x = x,
                y = normal), 
            fill = "red", 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(data = df_w2.3, 
            aes(x = x,
                y = normal), 
            alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(data = df_w, 
            aes(x = x, 
                y = normal), 
            linetype = 3) +
  #ylim(c(0, 1/(2 * L) + 0.2 * 1/(2 * L))) + # Set the limits of the y axis
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + # Add y axis
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + # Add x axis
  ylab("f(x)") + # Label the y axis
  labs(title = "Unconditional distribution for willingness to pay for wait (dashed line is MIXL W)")
     package = "mlogit")
MC <- %>% 
                    filter(noalt == 4), 
                  choice = "choice", 
                  shape = "long",
                  alt.levels = c("air", 

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