AWT: Australian Wet Tropics species distribution data

AWTR Documentation

Australian Wet Tropics species distribution data


Species occurrence data for 40 species (20 vascular plants, 20 birds) in the Australian Wet Tropics (AWT) and associated environmental data. Full details of the dataset are provided in the reference below. There are four data sets with training (po and bg) and test (pa, env) data:

po (training data) includes site names, species names, coordinates, occurrence ("1" for all, since all are presence records), group (plant or bird), and site values for 13 environmental variables (below).

bg (training data) has 10000 sites selected at random across the study region. It is structured identically to po, with "0" for occurrence (not implying absence, but denoting a background record in a way suited to most modelling methods) and NA for group.

env (testing data) includes group, site names, coordinates, and site values for 13 environmental variables (below). These are for sites from different surveys for plants (102 sites) and birds (340 sites), and can be returned as separate datasets by disEnv, or in one long format dataset by disData. These data are suited to make predictions to.

pa (testing data) includes group, site names, coordinates, and presence-absence records, one column per species (in the wide format returned by disPa). They can also be returned in long format using disData. The sites are identical to the sites in env. These data are suited to evaluating the predictions made with env.

Raster (gridded) data for all environmental variables are available - see the reference below for details.

The coordinate reference system of the x and y coordinates is UTM, zone 55, spheroid GRS 1980, datum GDA94 (EPSG:28355).

The vignette provided with this package provides an example of how to fit and evaluate a model with these data.

Environmental variables:

Code Description Units Type
bc01 Annual mean temperature degrees C Continuous
bc04 Temperature seasonality dimensionless Continuous
bc05 Max. temperature of warmest period degrees C Continuous
bc06 Min. temperature of coldest period degrees C Continuous
bc12 Annual precipitation mm Continuous
bc15 Precipitation seasonality dimensionless Continuous
bc17 Precipitation of driest quarter mm Continuous
bc20 Annual mean radiation MJ/m2/day Continuous
bc31 Moisture index seasonality dimensionless Continuous
bc33 Mean moisture index of lowest quarter (MI) dimensionless Continuous
slope Slope percent Continuous
topo Topographic position 0 is a gully and 100 a ridge, 50 mid-slope Continuous
tri Terrain ruggedness index Sum of variation in a 1 km moving window Continuous


Environmental predictors prepared by Karen Richardson, Caroline Bruce and Catherine Graham. Species data supplied by Andrew Ford, Stephen Williams and Karen Richardson.

See the reference below for further details on source, accuracy, cleaning, and particular characteristics of these datasets.


Elith, J., Graham, C.H., Valavi, R., Abegg, M., Bruce, C., Ferrier, S., Ford, A., Guisan, A., Hijmans, R.J., Huettmann, F., Lohmann, L.G., Loiselle, B.A., Moritz, C., Overton, J.McC., Peterson, A.T., Phillips, S., Richardson, K., Williams, S., Wiser, S.K., Wohlgemuth, T. & Zimmermann, N.E., (2020). Presence-only and presence-absence data for comparing species distribution modeling methods. Biodiversity Informatics 15:69-80.


awt_po <- disPo("AWT")
awt_bg <- disBg("AWT")

awt_pa_plant <- disPa("AWT", "plant")
awt_env_plant <- disEnv("AWT", "plant")
awt_pa_bird <- disPa("AWT", "bird")
awt_env_bird <- disEnv("AWT", "bird")

# Or all in one list
awt <- disData("AWT")
sapply(awt, head)


disdat documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:07 p.m.