nycflights_sqlite: An SQLite connection to a subset of nycflights13

View source: R/nycflights13-sql.R

nycflights_sqliteR Documentation

An SQLite connection to a subset of nycflights13


Included with dittodb is a small subset of nycflights13 prepopulated into a sqlite database.




This database is helpful for getting to know dittodb and running example code. It contains a small subset of the data in nycflights13: namely only the flights and planes that had a destination of ORD or MDW (the codes for the two major airports in Chicago) in February of 2013. The airports table has also been limited to only the New York and Chicago area airports.


an RSQLiteConnection


if (check_for_pkg("RSQLite", message)) {
  con <- nycflights_sqlite()

  DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT flight, tailnum, origin, dest FROM flights LIMIT 10")
  DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT faa, name, lat, lon, alt, tz FROM airports")


dittodb documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:52 p.m.