Divsersity in Action

# (C) Philippe J.S. De Brouwer -- 2021

# The fake team:
teamSize       <- 400
pctFemales     <- 0.35
maleSalaryBias <- 1.035
d <- div_fake_team(seed = 18901228, 
                   N = teamSize, 
                   genders = c("F", "M"),
                   gender_prob = c(pctFemales, 1 - pctFemales),
                   gender_salaryBias = c(1, maleSalaryBias)

# Gender diversity tibble per grade:
tbl_gender_div <- table(d$gender, d$grade) %>%
 apply(2, diversity, prior = c(50.2, 49.8)) %>%
 tibble(value = ., label = paste("Grade", names(.)))

# Average gender diversity tibble:
tbl_gender_div_all <- table(d$gender) %>%
  as.vector %>%
  diversity(prior = c(50.2, 49.8)) %>%
 tibble(value = ., label = "Gender Diversity")

# Age diversity tibble:
ageRef <- c(15.94, 27.11, 23.99, 20.68, 12.28) / 100
ad <- table(cut(d$age, breaks = c(20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65)))
ad <- ad / sum(ad)  # not needed, diversity() does this, bu useful for the table
tbl_age_div <- tibble(value = diversity(ad, prior = ageRef), label = "Age Diversity")

# Gender PayGap tibble:
pg_gender <- div_paygap(d)

# Citizenship PayGap tibble
pg_citizenship <- div_paygap(d, x = "citizenship" , x_ctrl = "Polish")

# Age:             
pg_age <- div_paygap(d, x = "age")

# tenure in the company:
pg_tenure_firm <- div_paygap(d, x = "tenure_firm") 

Overview {.storyboard}

Welcome! The Particular Example Behind this Demo Report

The data used for this report is randomly generated with the following characteristics:

Equitable outcomes are not the same as equal outcomes!

Welcome to the div dashboard for diversity and inclusion{width=100%}

Findings: Salaries of females is systhematically lower than males in this young team. Consider also the following findings.

f1 <- tibble(Nbr = 1, 
             Area = "Gender", 
             Finding = "Where we can calculate the paygap between females and non-females, we find that the females generally earn less in similar roles and similar grades.", 
             Suggestion = "Check the gender-paygap table and identify the grade/role combinations where an the paygap has most stars. Check if the salary differences are justified.")
f2 <- tibble(Nbr = 2, 
             Area = "Age", 
             Finding = "The team is predominantly younger than the surrounding population (Poland).", 
             Suggestion = "Consider hiring older people to balance. Focus on retention.")
f3 <- tibble(Nbr = 3, 
             Area = "Gender", 
             Finding = "The diversity is good in grade 1 and 2, but under par in grade 3", 
             Suggestion = "Consider if females have barriers to apply to grade 3 jobs and remove the barriers.")
f4 <- tibble(Nbr = 4, 
             Area = "Gender", 
             Finding = "Males in Grade 2 seem to have been promoted faster.", 
             Suggestion = "Understand unconscious bias, coach everyone (and specially females), work on trust.")
findings <- rbind(f1, f2, f3, f4)
colnames(findings) <- c("Nbr", "Area", "Finding", "Suggestion")

knitr::kable(findings) %>% #column_spec(3:4, width = "12em")
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))

Overview: illustrates the gender paygap over all teams and jobs

f_wrap <- function(x) {
  strwrap(x, width = 55, simplify = FALSE) %>%
  sapply(paste, collapse = "\n")

lay1 <- rbind(c(1,1,2),
p1_1 <- div_gauge_plot(tbl_gender_div, ncol = 2, nbrSize = 4)
p1_2 <- div_gauge_plot(tbl_gender_div_all, ncol = 1)
p1 <- arrangeGrob(p1_1, p1_2, layout_matrix = lay1)
p2 <- textGrob(f_wrap(f3$Finding))

p3 <- div_gauge_plot(tbl_age_div, ncol = 1)
p4 <- textGrob(f_wrap(f2$Finding))

p5 <- div_plot_paygap_distribution(pg_gender$data$paygap, label = "Gender")
p6 <- textGrob(f_wrap(f1$Finding))

p7 <- div_plot_paygap_distribution(pg_citizenship$data$paygap, label = "Citizenship")
p8 <- textGrob(f_wrap("No Bias detetected for Citizenship (in salary) -- both team and unbiased distribution are virtually the same"))

lay <- rbind(c(2,2,4,4),

grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, layout_matrix = lay)

Furher information {.tabset}


So, there will be more stars if the probability of a bias is higher: this can be due to a higher bias and/or due to a larger sample size.



Info The diversity indexes show how diverse our workforce is. They are calculated similar to entropy: $I = -\frac{1}{\log(N)} \sum_i^N {p_i \log p_i}$, where there are $N$ possible and mutually exclusive states $i$. They range from $0$ to $1$.

Gender {.storyboard}

The gender diversity decreases systhematically for higher grades

```r"} t <- table(d$gender, d$grade) t1 <- apply(t, 2, diversity, prior = c(50.2, 49.8)) t2 <- tibble(value = t1, label = paste("Grade", names(t1))) div_gauge_plot(t2, ncol = 3)

### The distribution of paygap. All paygaps, however go in the same direction. This is not good and needs to be addressed.
div_plot_paygap_distribution(pg_gender$data$paygap, label = "Gender")

The line-by-line paygap information reveals the places where ACTION is needed.


Boxplots for salary show another view on the paygap. The box in the barplot shows the bulkd of the observations (second and third quartile) and the line in its middle is the median.

p1 <- ggplot(data = d, aes(x=gender, y=salary, fill=gender)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_grid(grade ~ jobID, scales="free_y") +
  ggtitle('The salary gap per salary grade (level in the company)')

Job Changes per Year per Gender

```r)."} ylim1 = boxplot.stats(1/d$tenure_job)$stats[c(1, 5)] p <- ggplot(data = d, aes(x=gender, y=1/tenure_job, fill=gender)) + geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~grade) + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim1*1.05) p

### Promotions per Year per Gender

ylim1 = boxplot.stats(1/d$tenure_job)$stats[c(1, 5)]
p <- ggplot(data = d, aes(x=gender, y=1/tenure_grade, fill=gender)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~grade) + 
    coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim1*1.05)

Conclusions for gender diversity and inclusion -- the main findings are:

findings %>% filter(Area == "Gender") %>%
  select(-c(Area))       %>%
  kable(format = "html") %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))

Age {.storyboard}

The team is relatively young when we compare with the general surrounding population.


ages in Poland

p1 <- div_gauge_plot(tbl_age_div) t <- rbind(ad, ageRef) rownames(t) <- c("team", "reference")


caption = "The percentages of different age groups in this team compared to the population of Poland. An equal distribution would yield a diversity of 1.\label{tab:div:age}")

t2 <- t %>% t() %>% as_tibble %>% mutate(age_group = rownames(t(t))) %>% as_tibble %>% gather("population", "percentage", 1:2)

p2 <- ggplot(t2, aes(x = age_group, y = percentage, fill = population)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge()) + geom_text(aes(label=round(percentage,2)), vjust=1.6, color="black", position = position_dodge(0.9), size=3.5) + theme(legend.position="bottom")

grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2, widths = 1:2)

### The distribution of age paygap reveals no systhematic bias.
div_plot_paygap_distribution(pg_age$data$paygap, label = "Age")

The Age Paygap details reveal one grade/job where we might want to check.

pg_age %>% div_parse_paygap

Conclusions for age diversity and inclusion -- the main findings are:

findings %>% filter(Area == "Age") %>%
  select(-c(Area))       %>%
  kable(format = "html") %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))

Citizenship {.storyboard}

Most people are Polish

#t <- table(d$citizenship, d$grade)
t <- d                     %>% 
     group_by(citizenship) %>% 
     summarise(n = n())    %>%
     arrange(desc(n))      %>%
     ggplot( aes(x = citizenship, y = n))    +
        geom_col(aes(fill = n), width = 0.7) +


No anomalies can be detected for the distribution per grade

t <- d                            %>% 
     group_by(citizenship, grade) %>% 
     summarise(n = n())           %>%
     ggplot( aes(x = grade, y = n))                +
        geom_col(aes(fill = n), width = 0.7)       +
        facet_wrap(~ citizenship, scales="free_y") +


The distribution of citizen paygap reveals no systhematic bias.

div_plot_paygap_distribution(pg_citizenship$data$paygap, label = "Citizenship")

The Citizenship PayGap: no actions needed.



# the default R-approach:

nbrPerCountry = read.table(text="
country value
Poland 100
Ukraine 65
UK 2
China 3
Germany 0
France 1
Italy 20
Greece 25
Spain 13
Portugal 7
Mexico 55
Belarus 5
Russia 7
Vietnam 1
India 25
Belgium 2
Chile 6
Congo 1
", header=T)

x <- joinCountryData2Map(nbrPerCountry, joinCode="NAME", nameJoinColumn="country", verbose=FALSE)
mapCountryData(x, nameColumnToPlot="value", catMethod="fixedWidth", mapTitle="Where we are from")


map <- leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>%
  setView(lng = 0, lat = 0, zoom = 2)

Tenure in Firm {.storyboard}

The distribution of Tenure in the Company paygap reveals no systhematic bias.

div_plot_paygap_distribution(pg_tenure_firm$data$paygap, label = "Tenure in the Firm")

We do not pay new employees more than loyal ones

pg_tenure_firm %>% div_parse_paygap

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div documentation built on May 6, 2021, 9:06 a.m.