values: Pre-process the raw data

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples

View source: R/diversity.R


Allows to filter, binarize and/or normalize raw data. Also filter and binarization is available.


values(data, category_row = FALSE, norm = NULL, filter = NULL,
  binary = FALSE)



A numeric matrix with entities i in the rows and categories j in the columns. Cells show the respective value (value of abundance) of entity i in the category j. It can also be a transpose of the previous matrix, that is, a matrix with categories in the rows and entities in the columns. Yet in that case, the argument "category_row" has to be set to TRUE. The matrix must include names for the rows and the columns. The argument "data", also accepts a dataframe with three columns in the following order: entity, category and value.


A flag to indicate that categories are in the rows. The analysis assumes that the categories are in the columns of the matrix. If the categories are in the rows and the entities in the columns, then the argument "category_row" has to be set to TRUE. The default value is FALSE.


Methods to compute normalized values. Possible values are 'p', 'proportions', 'rca', 'rca_norm' and 'ai'. RCA refers to Revealed Comparative Advantages [Balassa 1986], rca_norm normalizes the RCAs between -1 and with 1, ai refers to the Activity Index.


A threshold below which values are replaced with NA.


A boolean value to indicate if values distinct from NA are replaced with 1.


If the three arguments 'norm', 'filter' and 'binary' are used, then the same sequential order is applied in the calculations.


A matrix with the raw, normalized, filtered and\/or binarized data.


Balassa, B. (1986). Comparative advantage in manufactured goods: a reappraisal. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 315-319.


#raw values
values(data = scidat)
values(data = scidat, norm='p')
#revealed comparative advantages
values(data = scidat, norm='rca')
values(data = scidat, norm='rca', filter=1)
values(data = scidat, norm='rca', filter=1, binary=TRUE)

Example output

Loading required package: proxy

Attaching package: 'proxy'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    as.dist, dist

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Loading required package: reshape2
Loading required package: foreign
             Politician Religious Figure Nobleman Military Person Philosopher
Vietnam               6                0        0               0           0
New Zealand           2                0        0               0           0
Latvia                8                0        0               0           1
Uruguay               5                0        0               0           0
Chile                10                0        0               0           0
South Africa          9                1        0               0           0
Saudi Arabia         17               11        0               0           1
Portugal             36                2        2               0           0
China                38                2        0               4          10
Canada               10                0        0               0           1
             Writer Historian Journalist Soccer Player Referee Coach
Vietnam           0         0          1             0       0     0
New Zealand       1         0          0             0       0     0
Latvia            2         0          0             1       0     0
Uruguay           3         0          0            10       1     0
Chile             5         0          0             5       0     1
South Africa      4         0          1             4       0     0
Saudi Arabia      0         0          0             0       0     0
Portugal          4         0          0            26       0     2
China            12         1          0             0       0     0
Canada            7         0          0             1       0     0
             Tennis Player Basketball Player Hocker Player Racecar Driver
Vietnam                  0                 0             0              0
New Zealand              0                 0             0              2
Latvia                   0                 0             0              0
Uruguay                  0                 0             0              0
Chile                    3                 0             0              0
South Africa             0                 1             0              1
Saudi Arabia             0                 0             0              0
Portugal                 0                 0             0              0
China                    1                 1             0              0
Canada                   1                 0             1              2
             Martial Arts Mountaineer Wrestler Athlete Chess Master Biologist
Vietnam                 0           0        0       0            0         0
New Zealand             0           1        0       0            0         0
Latvia                  0           0        0       0            1         0
Uruguay                 0           0        0       0            0         0
Chile                   0           0        0       0            0         1
South Africa            0           0        0       1            0         2
Saudi Arabia            0           0        0       0            0         0
Portugal                0           0        0       0            0         0
China                   1           0        0       0            0         0
Canada                  0           0        4       1            0         1
             Chemist Physicist Astronomer Physician Phychologist Economist
Vietnam            0         0          0         0            0         0
New Zealand        2         1          0         0            0         0
Latvia             1         0          0         0            0         0
Uruguay            0         0          0         0            0         0
Chile              0         0          0         0            0         0
South Africa       0         1          0         1            0         0
Saudi Arabia       0         0          1         1            0         0
Portugal           0         0          0         2            0         0
China              1         4          0         0            0         0
Canada             4         3          0         3            2         4
             Political Scientist Engineer Mathematician Computer Scientist
Vietnam                        0        0             0                  0
New Zealand                    0        0             0                  0
Latvia                         0        0             0                  0
Uruguay                        0        0             0                  0
Chile                          0        0             0                  0
South Africa                   0        0             0                  0
Saudi Arabia                   0        0             0                  0
Portugal                       0        0             0                  0
China                          1        1             1                  0
Canada                         0        0             0                  1
             Inventor Actor Musician Singer Composer Sculptor Artist Architect
Vietnam             0     0        0      0        0        0      0         0
New Zealand         0     3        0      1        0        0      0         0
Latvia              0     0        0      0        0        1      1         0
Uruguay             0     0        0      0        0        0      0         0
Chile               0     0        0      1        0        0      0         0
South Africa        0     2        0      1        0        0      0         0
Saudi Arabia        0     0        0      0        0        0      0         0
Portugal            0     0        0      2        0        0      0         1
China               2     5        1      0        0        0      1         1
Canada              1    37        8     15        2        0      0         1
             Comic Artist Film Director Dancer Social Activist Model Magician
Vietnam                 0             0      0               0     2        0
New Zealand             0             1      0               0     0        0
Latvia                  0             1      1               0     0        0
Uruguay                 0             0      0               0     0        0
Chile                   0             0      0               0     0        0
South Africa            0             0      0               3     1        0
Saudi Arabia            0             0      0               0     0        0
Portugal                0             0      0               0     0        0
China                   0             3      0               4     0        0
Canada                  1             2      0               0     1        1
             Presenter Pornographic Actor Businessperson Explorer Astronaut
Vietnam              2                  0              0        0         0
New Zealand          0                  0              0        0         0
Latvia               0                  0              0        0         0
Uruguay              0                  0              0        0         0
Chile                0                  0              0        0         0
South Africa         0                  0              1        0         0
Saudi Arabia         0                  0              0        0         0
Portugal             0                  0              0        6         0
China                0                  0              1        2         1
Canada               0                  2              0        0         0
             Companion Extremist
Vietnam              0         0
New Zealand          0         0
Latvia               0         0
Uruguay              0         0
Chile                0         0
South Africa         0         0
Saudi Arabia         3         1
Portugal             1         0
China                0         0
Canada               0         0
              Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts and Humanities
Argentina                                     3507                 477
China                                        35351                2011
Germany                                      15603                4224
Hungary                                       1346                 502
Iran                                          4158                 344
Mexico                                        4164                 459
Singapore                                      870                 333
South Korea                                   5825                 766
Spain                                        11487                4177
United States                                58949               28511
              Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Argentina                                             2704
China                                                69881
Germany                                              31131
Hungary                                               2032
Iran                                                  5824
Mexico                                                2861
Singapore                                             3371
South Korea                                          15085
Spain                                                13964
United States                                       127654
              Business, Management and Accounting Chemical Engineering
Argentina                                     111                  551
China                                        2927                29029
Germany                                      3169                 5915
Hungary                                       147                  347
Iran                                          482                 2947
Mexico                                        207                  858
Singapore                                     586                 1178
South Korea                                  1101                 5417
Spain                                        2223                 3397
United States                               16701                16831
              Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Dentistry
Argentina          1219              638                53        39
China             60479            62795              2523       663
Germany           17126            16129              1279       662
Hungary            1157              935                82        19
Iran               6536             4042               501       334
Mexico             1895             2062               124        39
Singapore          2283             4102               252        47
South Korea       10030             9978               437       497
Spain              9562            11344               885       341
United States     40018            56514              5209      2322
              Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Argentina                             1260                                 107
China                                30913                                1845
Germany                              12552                                2915
Hungary                                570                                 110
Iran                                  1951                                 157
Mexico                                1395                                 177
Singapore                              389                                 373
South Korea                           2519                                 630
Spain                                 5476                                1508
United States                        42540                               11578
              Energy Engineering Environmental Science Health Professions
Argentina        229        1136                  1195                 55
China          24765      198239                 31023                750
Germany         3863       22999                  9241               1307
Hungary          154        1417                   589                 51
Iran            2312       11424                  3861                279
Mexico           599        2983                  1980                 54
Singapore        736        5239                   885                116
South Korea     2985       23239                  4460                791
Spain           2665       12373                  7453                932
United States  14784       85753                 38355               7758
              Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics
Argentina                             775              1083         728
China                               10528             98403       45498
Germany                              5345             21976       13347
Hungary                               332              1106        1272
Iran                                 1332              7332        4186
Mexico                                788              2202        1925
Singapore                             495              4137        1655
South Korea                          3024             19818        5490
Spain                                2628              8754        7491
United States                       22681             54186       38190
              Medicine Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Nursing
Argentina         3783                57          419      66
China            72402              6004         5720    1029
Germany          55680              1198         7127    1527
Hungary           2860                79          445      69
Iran             11095              1057          577     274
Mexico            4836               108          481     172
Singapore         4434               175          464     188
South Korea      23069               636         1804    1202
Spain            26882               384         2370    1284
United States   245790              5837        25449   14763
              Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics and Astronomy
Argentina                                            480                  1542
China                                              17915                 73797
Germany                                             4674                 28139
Hungary                                              508                  1566
Iran                                                1885                  6180
Mexico                                               563                  3102
Singapore                                            431                  2719
South Korea                                         3464                 12587
Spain                                               2551                 10589
United States                                      21860                 61766
              Psychology Social Sciences Veterinary
Argentina            186             867        224
China               1223            7051       1228
Germany             4596            8160       1116
Hungary              268             800        176
Iran                 170             900        517
Mexico               332            1184        248
Singapore            332            1301         13
South Korea          528            2269        419
Spain               2105            7868        739
United States      27289           64450       4041
              Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts and Humanities
Argentina                               0.14929122         0.020305649
China                                   0.03954286         0.002249461
Germany                                 0.05183721         0.014033223
Hungary                                 0.07107028         0.026506151
Iran                                    0.05155163         0.004264974
Mexico                                  0.11631935         0.012821945
Singapore                               0.02344761         0.008974774
South Korea                             0.03685076         0.004845954
Spain                                   0.07115690         0.025874672
United States                           0.05171968         0.025014498
              Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Argentina                                       0.11510791
China                                           0.07816737
Germany                                         0.10342525
Hungary                                         0.10729183
Iran                                            0.07220700
Mexico                                          0.07992067
Singapore                                       0.09085274
South Korea                                     0.09543240
Spain                                           0.08650082
United States                                   0.11199891
              Business, Management and Accounting Chemical Engineering
Argentina                             0.004725214           0.02345579
China                                 0.003274079           0.03247121
Germany                               0.010528239           0.01965116
Hungary                               0.007761761           0.01832198
Iran                                  0.005975923           0.03653744
Mexico                                0.005782446           0.02396782
Singapore                             0.015793445           0.03174860
South Korea                           0.006965269           0.03426963
Spain                                 0.013770504           0.02104292
United States                         0.014652841           0.01476690
               Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences    Dentistry
Argentina     0.05189221       0.02715934       0.002256183 0.0016602103
China         0.06765049       0.07024112       0.002822173 0.0007416174
Germany       0.05689701       0.05358472       0.004249169 0.0021993355
Hungary       0.06109087       0.04936903       0.004329690 0.0010032209
Iran          0.08103450       0.05011344       0.006211488 0.0041409921
Mexico        0.05293592       0.05760098       0.003463881 0.0010894463
Singapore     0.06152975       0.11055412       0.006791721 0.0012667098
South Korea   0.06345290       0.06312393       0.002764598 0.0031441766
Spain         0.05923237       0.07027107       0.005482184 0.0021123445
United States 0.03511032       0.04958330       0.004570184 0.0020372370
              Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Argentina                       0.05363756                         0.004554936
China                           0.03457861                         0.002063777
Germany                         0.04170100                         0.009684385
Hungary                         0.03009663                         0.005808121
Iran                            0.02418885                         0.001946514
Mexico                          0.03896866                         0.004944410
Singapore                       0.01048404                         0.010052824
South Korea                     0.01593598                         0.003985576
Spain                           0.03392140                         0.009341395
United States                   0.03732302                         0.010158110
                   Energy Engineering Environmental Science Health Professions
Argentina     0.009748414  0.04835895            0.05087055       0.0023413222
China         0.027701590  0.22174583            0.03470165       0.0008389337
Germany       0.012833887  0.07640864            0.03070100       0.0043421927
Hungary       0.008131369  0.07481916            0.03109985       0.0026928560
Iran          0.028664592  0.14163681            0.04786937       0.0034590922
Mexico        0.016732778  0.08332868            0.05531035       0.0015084642
Singapore     0.019836136  0.14119771            0.02385188       0.0031263476
South Korea   0.018884039  0.14701714            0.02821535       0.0050041121
Spain         0.016508499  0.07664527            0.04616805       0.0057733287
United States 0.012970936  0.07523652            0.03365126       0.0068065827
              Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics
Argentina                      0.03299136        0.04610276  0.03099059
China                          0.01177639        0.11007145  0.05089307
Germany                        0.01775748        0.07300997  0.04434219
Hungary                        0.01752996        0.05839801  0.06716300
Iran                           0.01651438        0.09090346  0.05189878
Mexico                         0.02201240        0.06151182  0.05377395
Singapore                      0.01334088        0.11149741  0.04460436
South Korea                    0.01913076        0.12537483  0.03473145
Spain                          0.01627930        0.05422717  0.04640344
United States                  0.01989947        0.04754080  0.03350650
               Medicine Multidisciplinary Neuroscience     Nursing
Argentina     0.1610404       0.002426461  0.017836618 0.002809587
China         0.0809873       0.006715944  0.006398268 0.001151017
Germany       0.1849834       0.003980066  0.023677741 0.005073090
Hungary       0.1510111       0.004171287  0.023496489 0.003643276
Iran          0.1375578       0.013104876  0.007153750 0.003397101
Mexico        0.1350913       0.003016928  0.013436505 0.004804738
Singapore     0.1195019       0.004716473  0.012505390 0.005066839
South Korea   0.1459417       0.004023534  0.011412665 0.007604226
Spain         0.1665221       0.002378711  0.014681104 0.007953813
United States 0.2156471       0.005121168  0.022328013 0.012952511
              Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics and Astronomy
Argentina                                     0.02043336            0.06564216
China                                         0.02003933            0.08254772
Germany                                       0.01552824            0.09348505
Hungary                                       0.02682296            0.08268652
Iran                                          0.02337057            0.07662075
Mexico                                        0.01572714            0.08665289
Singapore                                     0.01161600            0.07328051
South Korea                                   0.02191434            0.07962928
Spain                                         0.01580232            0.06559418
United States                                 0.01917916            0.05419121
               Psychology Social Sciences   Veterinary
Argentina     0.007917926     0.036907752 0.0095355668
China         0.001368021     0.007887095 0.0013736141
Germany       0.015269103     0.027109635 0.0037076412
Hungary       0.014150694     0.042240879 0.0092929933
Iran          0.002107691     0.011158362 0.0064098590
Mexico        0.009274261     0.033074473 0.0069277613
Singapore     0.008947822     0.035063605 0.0003503665
South Korea   0.003340292     0.014354400 0.0026507244
Spain         0.013039546     0.048738788 0.0045777789
United States 0.023942361     0.056546050 0.0035454242
              Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts and Humanities
Argentina                                3.0123112           1.3844709
China                                    0.7978728           0.1533718
Germany                                  1.0459410           0.9568070
Hungary                                  1.4340147           1.8072308
Iran                                     1.0401788           0.2907926
Mexico                                   2.3470240           0.8742203
Singapore                                0.4731122           0.6119141
South Korea                              0.7435532           0.3304047
Spain                                    1.4357624           1.7641755
United States                            1.0435695           1.7055276
              Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Argentina                                        1.1951889
China                                            0.8116277
Germany                                          1.0738854
Hungary                                          1.1140329
Iran                                             0.7497400
Mexico                                           0.8298325
Singapore                                        0.9433425
South Korea                                      0.9908940
Spain                                            0.8981556
United States                                    1.1629074
              Business, Management and Accounting Chemical Engineering
Argentina                               0.4870217            1.0057944
China                                   0.3374550            1.3923793
Germany                                 1.0851320            0.8426503
Hungary                                 0.7999947            0.7856544
Iran                                    0.6159306            1.5667409
Mexico                                  0.5959892            1.0277503
Singapore                               1.6278100            1.3613935
South Korea                             0.7179012            1.4694963
Spain                                   1.4193080            0.9023292
United States                           1.5102493            0.6332109
              Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Dentistry
Argentina     0.9840418        0.4593075         0.5668324 0.9534625
China         1.2828690        1.1878888         0.7090288 0.4259125
Germany       1.0789487        0.9062026         1.0675404 1.2630833
Hungary       1.1584777        0.8349086         1.0877700 0.5761520
Iran          1.5366726        0.8474979         1.5605437 2.3781810
Mexico        1.0038338        0.9741241         0.8702483 0.6256715
Singapore     1.1668003        1.8696456         1.7063185 0.7274743
South Korea   1.2032693        1.0675259         0.6945640 1.8057077
Spain         1.1232346        1.1883954         1.3773171 1.2131242
United States 0.6658035        0.8385322         1.1481906 1.1699898
              Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Argentina                        1.5354905                           0.6692145
China                            0.9898870                           0.3032116
Germany                          1.1937806                           1.4228369
Hungary                          0.8615806                           0.8533333
Iran                             0.6924578                           0.2859833
Mexico                           1.1155615                           0.7264363
Singapore                        0.3001283                           1.4769682
South Korea                      0.4562016                           0.5855637
Spain                            0.9710730                           1.3724444
United States                    1.0684518                           1.4924368
                 Energy Engineering Environmental Science Health Professions
Argentina     0.5233469   0.3778369             1.4639687          0.5518384
China         1.4871692   1.7325391             0.9986551          0.1977326
Germany       0.6889916   0.5969941             0.8835230          1.0234340
Hungary       0.4365353   0.5845752             0.8950012          0.6346932
Iran          1.5388683   1.1066332             1.3775999          0.8152914
Mexico        0.8983049   0.6510616             1.5917388          0.3555378
Singapore     1.0649097   1.1032025             0.6864168          0.7368651
South Korea   1.0137960   1.1486707             0.8119902          1.1794452
Spain         0.8862644   0.5988430             1.3286386          1.3607458
United States 0.6963491   0.5878361             0.9684266          1.6042788
              Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics
Argentina                       1.9619850         0.6000308   0.7374339
China                           0.7003380         1.4325880   1.2110216
Germany                         1.0560311         0.9502301   1.0551407
Hungary                         1.0425011         0.7600544   1.5981712
Iran                            0.9821044         1.1831151   1.2349529
Mexico                          1.3090702         0.8005808   1.2795734
Singapore                       0.7933776         1.4511470   1.0613790
South Korea                     1.1377001         1.6317626   0.8264491
Spain                           0.9681245         0.7057705   1.1041889
United States                   1.1834149         0.6187469   0.7973009
               Medicine Multidisciplinary Neuroscience   Nursing
Argentina     1.0181361         0.4451915    1.1333832 0.3892319
China         0.5120212         1.2321982    0.4065619 0.1594585
Germany       1.1695095         0.7302370    1.5045426 0.7028111
Hungary       0.9547287         0.7653209    1.4930254 0.5047288
Iran          0.8696735         2.4043985    0.4545671 0.4706245
Mexico        0.8540800         0.5535266    0.8537890 0.6656344
Singapore     0.7555200         0.8653481    0.7946237 0.7019451
South Korea   0.9226783         0.7382121    0.7251892 1.0534673
Spain         1.0527929         0.4364305    0.9328739 1.1018981
United States 1.3633726         0.9395990    1.4187776 1.7944031
              Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics and Astronomy
Argentina                                      1.0719556             0.9262841
China                                          1.0512845             1.1648404
Germany                                        0.8146279             1.3191784
Hungary                                        1.4071609             1.1667991
Iran                                           1.2260449             1.0812043
Mexico                                         0.8250622             1.2227689
Singapore                                      0.6093876             1.0340698
South Korea                                    1.1496497             1.1236580
Spain                                          0.8290065             0.9256071
United States                                  1.0061589             0.7646984
              Psychology Social Sciences Veterinary
Argentina      0.6094727       1.1090855  3.1164848
China          0.1053018       0.2370088  0.4489348
Germany        1.1753205       0.8146501  1.2117588
Hungary        1.0892324       1.2693471  3.0372051
Iran           0.1622369       0.3353111  2.0949177
Mexico         0.7138749       0.9938947  2.2641824
Singapore      0.6887477       1.0536685  0.1145094
South Korea    0.2571149       0.4313527  0.8663294
Spain          1.0037031       1.4646106  1.4961437
United States  1.8429339       1.6992204  1.1587419
              Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts and Humanities
Argentina                                 3.012311            1.384471
China                                           NA                  NA
Germany                                   1.045941                  NA
Hungary                                   1.434015            1.807231
Iran                                      1.040179                  NA
Mexico                                    2.347024                  NA
Singapore                                       NA                  NA
South Korea                                     NA                  NA
Spain                                     1.435762            1.764176
United States                             1.043569            1.705528
              Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Argentina                                         1.195189
China                                                   NA
Germany                                           1.073885
Hungary                                           1.114033
Iran                                                    NA
Mexico                                                  NA
Singapore                                               NA
South Korea                                             NA
Spain                                                   NA
United States                                     1.162907
              Business, Management and Accounting Chemical Engineering
Argentina                                      NA             1.005794
China                                          NA             1.392379
Germany                                  1.085132                   NA
Hungary                                        NA                   NA
Iran                                           NA             1.566741
Mexico                                         NA             1.027750
Singapore                                1.627810             1.361393
South Korea                                    NA             1.469496
Spain                                    1.419308                   NA
United States                            1.510249                   NA
              Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Dentistry
Argentina            NA               NA                NA        NA
China          1.282869         1.187889                NA        NA
Germany        1.078949               NA          1.067540  1.263083
Hungary        1.158478               NA          1.087770        NA
Iran           1.536673               NA          1.560544  2.378181
Mexico         1.003834               NA                NA        NA
Singapore      1.166800         1.869646          1.706318        NA
South Korea    1.203269         1.067526                NA  1.805708
Spain          1.123235         1.188395          1.377317  1.213124
United States        NA               NA          1.148191  1.169990
              Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Argentina                         1.535490                                  NA
China                                   NA                                  NA
Germany                           1.193781                            1.422837
Hungary                                 NA                                  NA
Iran                                    NA                                  NA
Mexico                            1.115562                                  NA
Singapore                               NA                            1.476968
South Korea                             NA                                  NA
Spain                                   NA                            1.372444
United States                     1.068452                            1.492437
                Energy Engineering Environmental Science Health Professions
Argentina           NA          NA              1.463969                 NA
China         1.487169    1.732539                    NA                 NA
Germany             NA          NA                    NA           1.023434
Hungary             NA          NA                    NA                 NA
Iran          1.538868    1.106633              1.377600                 NA
Mexico              NA          NA              1.591739                 NA
Singapore     1.064910    1.103203                    NA                 NA
South Korea   1.013796    1.148671                    NA           1.179445
Spain               NA          NA              1.328639           1.360746
United States       NA          NA                    NA           1.604279
              Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics
Argentina                        1.961985                NA          NA
China                                  NA          1.432588    1.211022
Germany                          1.056031                NA    1.055141
Hungary                          1.042501                NA    1.598171
Iran                                   NA          1.183115    1.234953
Mexico                           1.309070                NA    1.279573
Singapore                              NA          1.451147    1.061379
South Korea                      1.137700          1.631763          NA
Spain                                  NA                NA    1.104189
United States                    1.183415                NA          NA
              Medicine Multidisciplinary Neuroscience  Nursing
Argentina     1.018136                NA     1.133383       NA
China               NA          1.232198           NA       NA
Germany       1.169509                NA     1.504543       NA
Hungary             NA                NA     1.493025       NA
Iran                NA          2.404398           NA       NA
Mexico              NA                NA           NA       NA
Singapore           NA                NA           NA       NA
South Korea         NA                NA           NA 1.053467
Spain         1.052793                NA           NA 1.101898
United States 1.363373                NA     1.418778 1.794403
              Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics and Astronomy
Argentina                                       1.071956                    NA
China                                           1.051285              1.164840
Germany                                               NA              1.319178
Hungary                                         1.407161              1.166799
Iran                                            1.226045              1.081204
Mexico                                                NA              1.222769
Singapore                                             NA              1.034070
South Korea                                     1.149650              1.123658
Spain                                                 NA                    NA
United States                                   1.006159                    NA
              Psychology Social Sciences Veterinary
Argentina             NA        1.109086   3.116485
China                 NA              NA         NA
Germany         1.175321              NA   1.211759
Hungary         1.089232        1.269347   3.037205
Iran                  NA              NA   2.094918
Mexico                NA              NA   2.264182
Singapore             NA        1.053669         NA
South Korea           NA              NA         NA
Spain           1.003703        1.464611   1.496144
United States   1.842934        1.699220   1.158742
              Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts and Humanities
Argentina                                        1                   1
China                                           NA                  NA
Germany                                          1                  NA
Hungary                                          1                   1
Iran                                             1                  NA
Mexico                                           1                  NA
Singapore                                       NA                  NA
South Korea                                     NA                  NA
Spain                                            1                   1
United States                                    1                   1
              Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Argentina                                                1
China                                                   NA
Germany                                                  1
Hungary                                                  1
Iran                                                    NA
Mexico                                                  NA
Singapore                                               NA
South Korea                                             NA
Spain                                                   NA
United States                                            1
              Business, Management and Accounting Chemical Engineering
Argentina                                      NA                    1
China                                          NA                    1
Germany                                         1                   NA
Hungary                                        NA                   NA
Iran                                           NA                    1
Mexico                                         NA                    1
Singapore                                       1                    1
South Korea                                    NA                    1
Spain                                           1                   NA
United States                                   1                   NA
              Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Dentistry
Argentina            NA               NA                NA        NA
China                 1                1                NA        NA
Germany               1               NA                 1         1
Hungary               1               NA                 1        NA
Iran                  1               NA                 1         1
Mexico                1               NA                NA        NA
Singapore             1                1                 1        NA
South Korea           1                1                NA         1
Spain                 1                1                 1         1
United States        NA               NA                 1         1
              Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Argentina                                1                                  NA
China                                   NA                                  NA
Germany                                  1                                   1
Hungary                                 NA                                  NA
Iran                                    NA                                  NA
Mexico                                   1                                  NA
Singapore                               NA                                   1
South Korea                             NA                                  NA
Spain                                   NA                                   1
United States                            1                                   1
              Energy Engineering Environmental Science Health Professions
Argentina         NA          NA                     1                 NA
China              1           1                    NA                 NA
Germany           NA          NA                    NA                  1
Hungary           NA          NA                    NA                 NA
Iran               1           1                     1                 NA
Mexico            NA          NA                     1                 NA
Singapore          1           1                    NA                 NA
South Korea        1           1                    NA                  1
Spain             NA          NA                     1                  1
United States     NA          NA                    NA                  1
              Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics
Argentina                               1                NA          NA
China                                  NA                 1           1
Germany                                 1                NA           1
Hungary                                 1                NA           1
Iran                                   NA                 1           1
Mexico                                  1                NA           1
Singapore                              NA                 1           1
South Korea                             1                 1          NA
Spain                                  NA                NA           1
United States                           1                NA          NA
              Medicine Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Nursing
Argentina            1                NA            1      NA
China               NA                 1           NA      NA
Germany              1                NA            1      NA
Hungary             NA                NA            1      NA
Iran                NA                 1           NA      NA
Mexico              NA                NA           NA      NA
Singapore           NA                NA           NA      NA
South Korea         NA                NA           NA       1
Spain                1                NA           NA       1
United States        1                NA            1       1
              Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics and Astronomy
Argentina                                              1                    NA
China                                                  1                     1
Germany                                               NA                     1
Hungary                                                1                     1
Iran                                                   1                     1
Mexico                                                NA                     1
Singapore                                             NA                     1
South Korea                                            1                     1
Spain                                                 NA                    NA
United States                                          1                    NA
              Psychology Social Sciences Veterinary
Argentina             NA               1          1
China                 NA              NA         NA
Germany                1              NA          1
Hungary                1               1          1
Iran                  NA              NA          1
Mexico                NA              NA          1
Singapore             NA               1         NA
South Korea           NA              NA         NA
Spain                  1               1          1
United States          1               1          1

diverse documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:10 a.m.

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