dmai: Divisia Monetary Aggregates Index

View source: R/dmai.R

dmaiR Documentation

Divisia Monetary Aggregates Index


Calculates Divisia monetary aggregates index as given in Barnett, W. A. (1980).


## Default S3 method:
dmai(.data, method = c("Barnett", "Hancock"), logbase = NULL)





Method to calculate Divisia monetary aggregates index, Barnett or Hancock


base of log to be used in Barnett divisia monetary aggregates index method, default is NULL or 10


Divisia Monetary Aggregates Index


  1. Muhammad Yaseen (

  2. Ahmad Nadeem (


Barnett, W. A. (1980). Economic Monetary Aggregates: An Application of Aggregation and Index Number Theory. Journal of Econometrics. 14(1):11-48. (


Data <-
    Date = paste(c("Jun", "Dec"), rep(seq(from = 2000, to = 2017, by = 1), each = 2), sep = "-")
  , x1    = runif(n = 36, min = 162324, max = 2880189)
  , x2    = runif(n = 36, min = 2116,   max =   14542)
  , x3    = runif(n = 36, min = 92989,  max = 3019556)
  , x4    = runif(n = 36, min = 205155, max = 4088784)
  , x5    = runif(n = 36, min = 6082,   max =  186686)
  , x6    = runif(n = 36, min = 11501,  max =   50677)
  , x7    = runif(n = 36, min = 61888,  max =  901419)
  , x8    = runif(n = 36, min = 13394,  max =  347020)
  , x9    = runif(n = 36, min = 25722,  max =  701887)
  , x10   = runif(n = 36, min = 6414,   max =   37859)
  , x11   = runif(n = 36, min = 11688,  max =  113865)
  , x12   = runif(n = 36, min = 2311,   max =   23130)
  , x13   = runif(n = 36, min = 23955,  max =  161318)
  , r1    = runif(n = 36, min = 0.00,   max =  0.00)
  , r2    = runif(n = 36, min = 0.00,   max = 0.00)
  , r3    = runif(n = 36, min = 0.00,   max = 0.00)
  , r4    = runif(n = 36, min = 0.93,   max = 7.43)
  , r5    = runif(n = 36, min = 1.12,   max = 7.00)
  , r6    = runif(n = 36, min = 0.99,   max = 7.93)
  , r7    = runif(n = 36, min = 1.51,   max = 7.42)
  , r8    = runif(n = 36, min = 2.20,   max = 9.15)
  , r9    = runif(n = 36, min = 2.64,   max = 9.37)
  , r10   = runif(n = 36, min = 2.80,   max = 11.34)
  , r11   = runif(n = 36, min = 3.01,   max = 12.41)
  , r12   = runif(n = 36, min = 2.78,   max = 13.68)
  , r13   = runif(n = 36, min = 3.23,   max = 14.96)

Data$Date <- as.Date(paste("01", Data$Date, sep = "-"), format = "%d-%b-%Y")

# Divisia monetary aggregates index using Barnett method
DMAIBarnett <- dmai(.data = Data, method = "Barnett", logbase = NULL)
DMAIBarnett1 <- dmai(.data = Data, method = "Barnett", logbase = 10)
DMAIBarnett2 <- dmai(.data = Data, method = "Barnett", logbase = 2)
DMAIBarnett3 <- dmai(.data = Data, method = "Barnett", logbase = exp(1))

# Divisia monetary aggregates index using Hancock method
DMAIHancock <- dmai(.data = Data, method = "Hancock")

ggplot(data = DMAIBarnett, mapping = aes(x = Date, y = DMAI)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(DMAI, 2)), vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward") +
                date_breaks = "6 months"
              , date_labels = "%b-%Y"
              , limits = c(min(DMAIBarnett$Date), max = max(DMAIBarnett$Date))) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x  = element_text(angle = 90))

ggplot(data = DMAIHancock, mapping = aes(x = Date, y = DMAI)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(DMAI, 2)), vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward") +
                date_breaks = "6 months"
              , date_labels = "%b-%Y"
              , limits = c(min(DMAIHancock$Date), max = max(DMAIHancock$Date))) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x  = element_text(angle = 90))

dmai documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:50 a.m.

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