Man pages for dmdScheme
Domain Specific MetaData Scheme

as_dmdSchemeGeneric function to convert the data stored in the object 'x'...
as_dmdScheme_rawGeneric function to convert the data stored in the object 'x'...
as_emlGeneric function to convert an object to an object which can...
as_xmlGeneric function to convert an object to xml
as_xml_listGeneric function to convert an object to a list containing...
cacheReturn cache directory
cat_lncat with linefeed at the end Title
dmdSchemeObject of class 'dmdSchemeSet' containing the authorative...
dmdScheme_exampleObject of class 'dmdSchemeSet' containing example data.
dmdScheme_rawObject of class 'dmdScheme_raw ' containing the raw data as...
format_dmdScheme_xlsxFormat the metadata scheme file
lookup_tokensReplace tokens with vlues from a dmdScheme
make_exampleCreate examples in working directory
make_indexGeneric function to create the '' file to accompany...
make_new_packageCreate anew package skelleton to add functiuonality to the...
new_dmdScheme_validationCreate new 'dmdScheme_validation' object
open_new_spreadsheetOpen the metadata scheme as a spreadsheet in a spreadsheet...
pkg.dmdSchemedmdScheme: A package containing the framework for Domain...
print.dmdSchemeDataPrint method for 'dmdSchemeData' object
print.dmdSchemeSetPrint method for 'dmdSchemeSet' object
print.dmdScheme_validationPrint method for 'dmdScheme_validation' object
print_dmdScheme_validation_detailsInternal function to ptint dmdScheme_validation of format...
print_dmdScheme_validation_summaryInternal function to ptint dmdScheme_validation of format...
read_excelRead scheme data from Excel file into 'dmdSchemeSet' object
read_excel_rawRead scheme data from Excel file into 'dmdScheme_raw' object
read_xmlFunction to read x from an XML file
reportGeneric function for creating a report from an object 'x'
run_appRun shiny app.
schemeFunctions to manage schemes
scheme_makeFunctions to manage schemes
scheme_path_index_templateFunctions to manage schemes
scheme_path_xlsxFunctions to manage schemes
scheme_path_xmlFunctions to manage schemes
toTransposeReturn tabs in scheme definition in Excel document which need...
upgrade_old_filesConvert older scheme versions of files to newer newer...
valErr_extractExtract all fields named error of class...
valErr_infoReturn info about error representation
valErr_isOKCreates 'data.frame' from object of class...
valErr_TextErrColColour the 'text' by using the error colour
validateGeneric function to validate an object which represents a...
validateAllowedValuesValidate allowed values
validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExistsValidate suggested values
validateIDFieldValidate id field
validateStructureValidate structure of 'dmdScheme' object
validateSuggestedValuesValidate suggested values
validateTypesValidate type of tab
write_excelWrite write x as an excel file to disk
write_xmlWrite write x as an XML file to disk
dmdScheme documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:06 a.m.