Man pages for dobson
Data from the GLM Book by Dobson and Barnett

achievementAchievement data from table 6.15
aidsAIDS data from table 4.5
anthersEmbryogenic anthers data from table 7.2
balancedBalanced data from table 6.12
beetleBeetle data from table 7.2
birthweightBirthweight data from table 2.3
carbohydrateCarbohydrate data from table 6.3
CarsCars data from table 8.1
cholesterolCholesterol data from table 6.24
chronicChronic health data from table 2.7
cyclonesCyclone data from table 1.2
dobsondobson: Example datasets from the book "An Introduction to...
doctorsDoctors data from table 9.1
dogsDogs data from table 11.9
earEars data from table 11.10
failureFailure time data from table 4.1
graduatesGraduate survival data from tables 7.16 and 7.17
hepatitisHepatitis data from table 10.5
hiroshimaHiroshima data from table 7.14
housingHousing data from table 8.5
insuranceInsurance data from table 9.13
leukemiaLeukemia data from table 4.6
machineMachine data from table 6.26
melanomaMelanoma data from table 9.4
mortalityMortality data from table 3.2
mothsMoths data from table 1.4
pasturePasture data from table 6.23
plant.driedPlant data from table 6.9
plantsPlant weight data from table 2.7
plasmaPlasma phosphate data from table 6.25
PLOSPLOS Medicine data from figure 6.7
poissonPoisson data from table 4.3
remissionRemission data from table 10.1
senilitySenility data from table 7.8
stroke.wideStroke data from table 11.1
sugarSugar data from table 6.22
survivalSurvival data from table 10.1
tumorTumor data from table 8.6
ulcerUlcer data from table 9.7
unbalancedUnbalanced data from table 6.27
vaccineVaccine data from table 9.6
waistWaist loss data from table 2.8
dobson documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:29 p.m.