pptx2pdf: Convert pptx to pdf

View source: R/docx2pdf.R

pptx2pdfR Documentation

Convert pptx to pdf


Convert pptx to pdf directly using "Microsoft PowerPoint". This function will not work if "Microsoft PowerPoint" is not available on your machine.

The calls to "Microsoft PowerPoint" are made differently depending on the operating system. On "Windows", a "PowerShell" script using COM technology is used to control "Microsoft PowerPoint". On macOS, an "AppleScript" script is used to control "Microsoft PowerPoint".


pptx2pdf(input, output = gsub("\\.pptx$", ".pdf", input))


input, output

file input and optional file output (default to input with pdf extension).


the name of the produced pdf (the same value as output)

Macos manual authorizations

On macOS the call is happening into a working directory managed with function working_directory().

Manual interventions are necessary to authorize 'PowerPoint' applications to write in a single directory: the working directory. These permissions must be set manually, this is required by the macOS security policy. We think that this is not a problem because it is unlikely that you will use a Mac machine as a server.

You must also click "allow" two times to:

  1. allow R to run 'AppleScript' scripts that will control PowerPoint

  2. allow PowerPoint to write to the working directory.

This process is a one-time operation.


if (exec_available('powerpoint')) {
  file <- system.file(package = "doconv",

  out <- pptx2pdf(input = file,
    output = tempfile(fileext = ".pdf"))

  if (file.exists(out)) {
    message(basename(out), " is existing now.")

doconv documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:31 p.m.