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docxtools is a small set of helper functions for using R Markdown to create documents in docx format, especially documents for use in a classroom or workshop setting. These are particularly useful when one tries to do one’s own work reproducibly but has collaborators who work with Office software exclusively.


From CRAN,


Or you can obtain the most recent development version from GitHub.



The density data set is part of the package.

#>         date trial    T_K   p_Pa   R  density
#> 1 2018-06-12     a 294.05 101100 287 1.197976
#> 2 2018-06-13     b 294.15 101000 287 1.196384
#> 3 2018-06-14     c 294.65 101100 287 1.195536
#> 4 2018-06-15     d 293.35 101000 287 1.199647
#> 5 2018-06-16     e 293.85 101100 287 1.198791

format_engr() applies engineering notation to numeric variables, assigns significant digits, and adjusts for ambiguous trailing zeros.

y <- format_engr(density, sigdig = c(5, 4, 0, 4), ambig_0_adj = TRUE)

For printing the table, I suggest using knitr::kable(). (Note: The table can be seen correctly rendered at the package website.) docxtools \< 0.1.4 used the align_pander() function that is now deprecated and soon to be defunct.

knitr::kable(y, align = "ccrrrr")
date trial T_K p_Pa R density 2018-06-12 a $294.05$ ${101.1}\times 10^{3}$ $287$ $1.198$ 2018-06-13 b $294.15$ ${101.0}\times 10^{3}$ $287$ $1.196$ 2018-06-14 c $294.65$ ${101.1}\times 10^{3}$ $287$ $1.196$ 2018-06-15 d $293.35$ ${101.0}\times 10^{3}$ $287$ $1.200$ 2018-06-16 e $293.85$ ${101.1}\times 10^{3}$ $287$ $1.199$

Using put_gap() with knitr and R markdown, the gap height is specified in the R code-chunk header.

```{r fig.height = 0.75}
# a gap with a border
put_gap(col = "gray", fill = NULL)

For put_axes() with knitr and R markdown, the axis height is specified in the R code-chunk header.

```{r fig.height = 2}
# first quadrant axes
put_axes(1, col = "blue", linewidth = 0.5)

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docxtools documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:12 a.m.