Man pages for docxtractr
Extract Data Tables and Comments from 'Microsoft' 'Word' Documents

assign_colnamesMake a specific row the column names for the specified...
convert_to_pdfConvert a Document (usually PowerPoint) to a PDF
docx_cmnt_countGet number of comments in a Word document
docx_describe_cmntsReturns information about the comments in the Word document
docx_describe_tblsReturns a description of all the tables in the Word document
docx_extract_allExtract all tables from a Word document
docx_extract_all_cmntsExtract all comments from a Word document
docx_extract_all_tblsExtract all tables from a Word document
docx_extract_tblExtract a table from a Word document
docx_tbl_countGet number of tables in a Word document
docxtractrExtract Data Tables and Comments from 'Microsoft' 'Word'...
mcgaMake Column Names Great Again
pipePipe operator
print.docxDisplay information about the document
read_docxRead in a Word document for table extraction
set_libreoffice_pathPoint to Local soffice.exe File
docxtractr documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.