Man pages for drpop
Efficient and Doubly Robust Population Size Estimation

informatA function to check whether a given data table/matrix/data...
plotciPlot estimated confidence interval of total population size...
popsizeEstimate total population size and capture probability using...
popsize_condEstimate total population size and capture probability using...
popsize_simulEstimate the total population size and capture probabilities...
qhat_gamEstimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k...
qhat_logitEstimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k...
qhat_mlogitEstimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k...
qhat_rangerEstimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k...
qhat_rangerlogitEstimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k...
qhat_slEstimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k...
reformatA function to reorder the columns of a data table/matrix/data...
simuldataA function to reorder the columns of a data table/matrix/data...
tmleReturns the targeted maximum likelihood estimates for the...
drpop documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 1:06 a.m.