Man pages for dst
Using the Theory of Belief Functions

addTobcaAdd some elements of 0 mass to an existing basic chance...
adsThe Captain's Problem. 'ads': Relation between variables...
bcaBasic chance assignment mass function
bcaPrintSimple printing of the 'tt' matrix and mass values of a basic...
bcaRelRepresentation of a mass function in a product space
bcaTruncTruncation of a basic chance assignment mass function
belplauCalculation of the degrees of Belief and Plausibility of a...
decodeFind the value in base 10 of a number coded in another base
dlfmThe Captain's Problem. 'dlfm': Relation between variables...
dotprodGeneralized inner product of two matrices
doublesRemove duplicate rows in a two-dimensional table.
dsrwonCombination of two mass functions
dst-packageManipulation and combination of belief functions
elimReduction of a relation
encodeConvert a value to its representation in another chosen base
extminExtension of a relation
fwThe Captain's Problem. 'fw': Relation between variables...
intersIntersection of two tables of propositions
marrayToMatrixTransformation of an array data to its matrix representation
matrixToMarrayTransformation of the tt matrix of a relation
mrfThe Captain's Problem. 'mrf': Relation between variables No...
mrtThe Captain's Problem. 'mrt': Relation between variables...
nameColsNaming the columns of the 'tt' matrix
nameCols_prodNaming the columns of the 'tt' matrix of a product space
nameRowsCombining the column names of a matrix to construct names for...
nzdsrNormalization of a basic chance assignment
peelingThe peeling algorithm
plautransPlausibility transformation of the singletons of a frame
productSpaceProduct space representation of a relation
reductionSummary of a vector for any operator.
shapeObtain dimensions of an array or length of a vector with a...
swrThe Captain's Problem. 'swr': Relation between variables...
tabresulPrepare a table of results
dst documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:08 p.m.