Man pages for dtComb
Statistical Combination of Diagnostic Tests

allMethodsIncludes machine learning models used for the mlComb function
availableMethodsAvailable classification/regression methods in 'dtComb'
dtCombdtComb: A Comprehensive R Library for Combining Diagnostic...
exampleData1Examples data for the dtComb package
exampleData2A data set containing the carriers of a rare genetic disorder...
exampleData3A simulation data containing 250 diseased and 250 healthy...
helper_minimaxHelper function for minimax method.
helper_minmaxHelper function for minmax method.
helper_PCLHelper function for PCL method.
helper_PTHelper function for PT method.
helper_TSHelper function for TS method.
kappa.accuracyCalculate Cohen's kappa and accuracy.
linCombCombine two diagnostic tests with several linear combination...
mathCombCombine two diagnostic tests with several mathematical...
mlCombCombine two diagnostic tests with Machine Learning...
nonlinCombCombine two diagnostic tests with several non-linear...
plotCombPlot the combination scores using the training model
predict.dtCombPredict combination scores and labels for new data sets using...
print_trainPrint the summary of linComb, nonlinComb, mlComb and mathComb...
rocsumGenerate ROC curves and related statistics for the given...
std.testStandardization according to the training model parameters.
std.trainStandardization according to the chosen method.
transform_mathMathematical transformations for biomarkers.
dtComb documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:15 p.m.