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The data.frame table (dft)

> dft(iris2$Species, prop = TRUE, perc = TRUE)
       group  n      prop  perc
1     setosa 52 0.3466667 34.7%
2 versicolor 49 0.3266667 32.7%
3  virginica 49 0.3266667 32.7%
> dft(iris2$Species, by = iris2$Sepal.Length, neat = FALSE)
        group  n      prop  perc     mean        sd median  trimmed     mad min max range ...
11     setosa 52 0.3466667 34.7% 4.955769 0.3460780    5.0 4.945238 0.29652 4.3 5.7   1.4 
12 versicolor 49 0.3266667 32.7% 5.963265 0.4893422    6.0 5.978049 0.59304 4.9 6.9   2.0 
13  virginica 49 0.3266667 32.7% 6.751020 0.6636774    6.8 6.773171 0.74130 4.9 7.7   2.8 
> dft(iris2[, c("Species", "Color")], by = iris2$Sepal.Width, neat = TRUE)
       Species  Color  n prop mean  sd  se
11      setosa   blue 15  0.1  3.3 0.4 0.1
12  versicolor   blue 16  0.1  2.8 0.3 0.1
13   virginica   blue 16  0.1  3.1 0.3 0.1
14      setosa orange 11  0.1  3.3 0.3 0.1
15  versicolor orange  8  0.1  3.0 0.3 0.1
16   virginica orange 11  0.1  3.0 0.3 0.1
17      setosa    red 13  0.1  3.4 0.4 0.1
18  versicolor    red 16  0.1  2.7 0.4 0.1
19   virginica    red 11  0.1  2.9 0.3 0.1
110     setosa yellow 13  0.1  3.7 0.4 0.1
111 versicolor yellow  9  0.1  2.7 0.3 0.1
112  virginica yellow 11  0.1  2.9 0.3 0.1


> dvariable(iris2)
Note: 'Approval' was not classified.
Note: 'Date' was not classified.
         variable     class      mode      type levels frequencies statistics
1    Sepal.Length   numeric   numeric    double     32           0          1
2     Sepal.Width   numeric   numeric    double     21           0          1
3    Petal.Length   numeric   numeric    double     39           0          1
4     Petal.Width   numeric   numeric    double     21           0          1
5         Species    factor   numeric   integer      3           1          0
6           Color character character character      4           1          0
7  Attractiveness   integer   numeric   integer      5           1          1
8     LikelyToBuy   integer   numeric   integer     11           1          1
9            Sold   logical   logical   logical      2           1          0
10         Review   numeric   numeric    double      5           1          1
11       Approval   logical   logical   logical      0           0          0
12           Date      Date   numeric    double     99           0          0


> dtable(iris2)
   dataset    demographic      group  n  perc
1    iris2        Species     setosa 52 34.7%
2                         versicolor 49 32.7%
3                          virginica 49 32.7%
4    iris2          Color       blue 47 31.3%
5                             orange 30 20.0%
6                                red 40 26.7%
7                             yellow 33 22.0%
8    iris2 Attractiveness          1 27 18.0%
9                                  2 30 20.0%
10                                 3 31 20.7%
11                                 4 32 21.3%
12                                 5 30 20.0%
13   iris2    LikelyToBuy         -5 16 10.7%
14                                -4 13  8.7%
15                                -3 12  8.0%
16                                -2 13  8.7%
17                                -1 21 14.0%
18                                 0 10  6.7%
19                                 1 13  8.7%
20                                 2 14  9.3%
21                                 3 15 10.0%
22                                 4  8  5.3%
23                                 5 15 10.0%
24   iris2           Sold      FALSE 79 52.7%
25                              TRUE 71 47.3%
26   iris2         Review          1 31 20.7%
27                                 2 27 18.0%
28                                 3 34 22.7%
29                                 4 27 18.0%
30                                 5 31 20.7%

  dataset       variable vars   n mean  sd median trimmed mad  min max range skew kurtosis  se
1   iris2   Sepal.Length    1 150  5.9 0.9    5.8     5.8 1.1  4.3 7.7   3.4  0.3     -0.8 0.1
2   iris2    Sepal.Width    1 150  3.1 0.4    3.0     3.1 0.3  2.2 4.4   2.2  0.3      0.0 0.0
3   iris2   Petal.Length    1 150  3.8 1.8    4.4     3.8 2.1  1.0 6.9   5.9 -0.2     -1.4 0.2
4   iris2    Petal.Width    1 150  1.2 0.8    1.3     1.2 1.3  0.1 2.5   2.4 -0.1     -1.5 0.1
5   iris2 Attractiveness    1 150  3.1 1.4    3.0     3.1 1.5  1.0 5.0   4.0 -0.1     -1.3 0.1
6   iris2    LikelyToBuy    1 150 -0.1 3.2   -0.5    -0.2 3.7 -5.0 5.0  10.0  0.1     -1.2 0.3
7   iris2         Review    1 150  3.0 1.4    3.0     3.0 1.5  1.0 5.0   4.0  0.0     -1.3 0.1

dtable options


# Single variable
dnum(iris2[, "Sepal.Length"])
   data          var   n     mean  sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis  se
1 iris2 Sepal.Length 150 5.871333 0.9    5.8     5.8 1.1 4.3 7.7   3.4  0.3     -0.8 0.1
# Multiple variables
dnum(iris2[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Sold")])
   data          var   n      mean  sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis  se
1 iris2 Sepal.Length 150 5.8713333 0.9    5.8     5.8 1.1 4.3 7.7   3.4  0.3     -0.8 0.1
2 iris2  Sepal.Width 150 3.0780000 0.4    3.0     3.1 0.3 2.2 4.4   2.2  0.3      0.0 0.0
3 iris2         Sold 150 0.4733333 0.5    0.0     0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0   1.0  0.1     -2.0 0.0

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dtables documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:48 p.m.