Man pages for dtangle
Cell Type Deconvolution from Gene Expressions

baseline_exprsEstimate the offset terms.
combine_Y_refsRow-binds 'Y' with 'references' and generates 'pure_samples'.
dtangleDeconvolve cell type mixing proportions from gene expression...
dtangle2Deconvolve cell type mixing proportions from gene expression...
est_phatsEstimate the gene type proportions.
find_markersFind marker genes for each cell type.
get_gammaDetermine gamma value by data type.
process_markersDetermines number of markers 'n_markers', marker list...
shen_orr_exExample Subset of Shen-Orr deconvolution data set.
dtangle documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 1:09 a.m.