Man pages for dtplyr
Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr'

arrange.dtplyr_stepArrange rows by column values
collect.dtplyr_stepForce computation of a lazy data.table
complete.dtplyr_stepComplete a data frame with missing combinations of data
count.dtplyr_stepCount observations by group
distinct.dtplyr_stepSubset distinct/unique rows
dot-datatable.awaredtplyr is data.table aware
drop_na.dtplyr_stepDrop rows containing missing values
dtplyr-packagedtplyr: Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr'
expand.dtplyr_stepExpand data frame to include all possible combinations of...
fill.dtplyr_stepFill in missing values with previous or next value
filter.dtplyr_stepSubset rows using column values
group_by.dtplyr_stepGroup and ungroup
group_modify.dtplyr_stepApply a function to each group
head.dtplyr_stepSubset first or last rows
intersect.dtplyr_stepSet operations
lazy_dtCreate a "lazy" data.table for use with dplyr verbs
left_join.dtplyr_stepJoin data tables
mutate.dtplyr_stepCreate and modify columns
pivot_longer.dtplyr_stepPivot data from wide to long
pivot_wider.dtplyr_stepPivot data from long to wide
relocate.dtplyr_stepRelocate variables using their names
rename.dtplyr_stepRename columns using their names
replace_na.dtplyr_stepReplace NAs with specified values
select.dtplyr_stepSubset columns using their names
separate.dtplyr_stepSeparate a character column into multiple columns with a...
slice.dtplyr_stepSubset rows using their positions
summarise.dtplyr_stepSummarise each group to one row
transmute.dtplyr_stepCreate new columns, dropping old
unite.dtplyr_stepUnite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together.
dtplyr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:13 p.m.