Man pages for dtrackr
Track your Data Pipelines

add_count.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
add_tallydplyr modifying operations
anti_join.trackr_dfAnti join
arrange.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
bind_colsSet operations
bind_rowsSet operations
capture_exclusionsStart capturing exclusions on a tracked dataframe.
commentAdd a generic comment to the dtrackr history graph
count_subgroupAdd a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graph
distinct.trackr_dfDistinct values of data
dot2svgConvert 'Graphviz' dot content to a SVG
dtrackr-packagedtrackr: Track your Data Pipelines
exclude_allExclude all items matching one or more criteria
excludedGet the dtrackr excluded data record
filter.trackr_dfFiltering data
flowchartFlowchart output
full_join.trackr_dfFull join
group_by.trackr_dfStratifying your analysis
group_modify.trackr_dfGroup-wise modification of data and complex operations
historyGet the dtrackr history graph
include_anyInclude any items matching a criteria
inner_join.trackr_dfInner joins
intersect.trackr_dfSet operations
left_join.trackr_dfLeft join
mutate.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
nest_join.trackr_dfNest join
p_add_countdplyr modifying operations
p_add_tallydplyr modifying operations
p_anti_joinAnti join
p_arrangedplyr modifying operations
pausePause tracking the data frame.
p_bind_colsSet operations
p_bind_rowsSet operations
p_capture_exclusionsStart capturing exclusions on a tracked dataframe.
p_clearClear the dtrackr history graph
p_commentAdd a generic comment to the dtrackr history graph
p_copyCopy the dtrackr history graph from one dataframe to another
p_count_ifSimple count_if dplyr summary function
p_count_subgroupAdd a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graph
p_distinctDistinct values of data
p_exclude_allExclude all items matching one or more criteria
p_excludedGet the dtrackr excluded data record
p_filterFiltering data
p_flowchartFlowchart output
p_full_joinFull join
p_getGet the dtrackr history graph
p_get_as_dotDOT output
p_group_byStratifying your analysis
p_group_modifyGroup-wise modification of data and complex operations
p_include_anyInclude any items matching a criteria
p_inner_joinInner joins
p_intersectSet operations
pipePipe operator
pivot_longer.trackr_dfReshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_longer'
pivot_wider.trackr_dfReshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_wider'
p_left_joinLeft join
plot.trackr_graphPlots a history graph as html
p_mutatedplyr modifying operations
p_nest_joinNest join
p_pausePause tracking the data frame.
p_pivot_longerReshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_longer'
p_pivot_widerReshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_wider'
p_reframeSummarise a data set
p_relocatedplyr modifying operations
p_renamedplyr modifying operations
p_rename_withdplyr modifying operations
p_resumeResume tracking the data frame.
p_right_joinRight join
print.trackr_graphPrint a history graph to the console
p_selectdplyr modifying operations
p_semi_joinSemi join
p_setSet the dtrackr history graph
p_setdiffSet operations
p_sliceSlice operations
p_slice_headSlice operations
p_slice_maxSlice operations
p_slice_minSlice operations
p_slice_sampleSlice operations
p_slice_tailSlice operations
p_statusAdd a summary to the dtrackr history graph
p_summariseSummarise a data set
p_taggedRetrieve tagged data in the history graph
p_trackStart tracking the dtrackr history graph
p_transmutedplyr modifying operations
p_ungroupRemove a stratification from a data set
p_unionSet operations
p_union_allSet operations
p_untrackRemove tracking from the dataframe
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reframe.trackr_dfSummarise a data set
relocate.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
rename.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
rename_with.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
resumeResume tracking the data frame.
right_join.trackr_dfRight join
save_dotSave DOT content to a file
select.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
semi_join.trackr_dfSemi join
setdiff.trackr_dfSet operations
slice_head.trackr_dfSlice operations
slice_max.trackr_dfSlice operations
slice_min.trackr_dfSlice operations
slice_sample.trackr_dfSlice operations
slice_tail.trackr_dfSlice operations
slice.trackr_dfSlice operations
statusAdd a summary to the dtrackr history graph
std_sizeStandard paper sizes
summarise.trackr_dfSummarise a data set
taggedRetrieve tagged data in the history graph
trackStart tracking the dtrackr history graph
transmute.trackr_dfdplyr modifying operations
ungroup.trackr_dfRemove a stratification from a data set
union_all.trackr_dfSet operations
union.trackr_dfSet operations
untrackRemove tracking from the dataframe
dtrackr documentation built on Oct. 21, 2024, 5:06 p.m.