p_count_subgroup: Add a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graph

View source: R/dtrackr.R

p_count_subgroupR Documentation

Add a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graph


A frequent use case for more detailed description is to have a subgroup count within a flowchart. This works best for factor subgroup columns but other data will be converted to a factor automatically. The count of the items in each subgroup is added as a new stage in the flowchart.


  .messages = .defaultCountSubgroup(),
  .headline = .defaultHeadline(),
  .type = "info",
  .asOffshoot = FALSE,
  .tag = NULL,
  .maxsubgroups = .defaultMaxSupportedGroupings()



a dataframe which may be grouped


a column with a small number of levels (e.g. a factor)


passed to ⁠base::factor(subgroup values, ...)⁠ to allow reordering of levels etc.


a character vector of glue specifications. A glue specification can refer to anything from the calling environment, {.subgroup} for the subgroup column name and {.name} for the subgroup column value, {.count} for the subgroup column count, {.subtotal} for the current stratification grouping count and {.total} for the whole dataset count


a glue specification which can refer to grouping variables of .data, {.subtotal} for the current grouping count, or any variables defined in the calling environment


one of "info","exclusion": used to define formatting


do you want this comment to be an offshoot of the main flow (default = FALSE).


if you want to use the summary data from this step in the future then give it a name with .tag.


the maximum number of discrete values allowed in .subgroup is configurable with options("dtrackr.max_supported_groupings"=XX). The default is 16. Large values produce unwieldy flow charts.


the same .data dataframe with the history graph updated with a subgroup count as a new stage


survival::cgd %>% track() %>% group_by(treat) %>%
  count_subgroup(center) %>% history()

dtrackr documentation built on Oct. 21, 2024, 5:06 p.m.