Man pages for dualScale
Dual Scaling Analysis of Data

bad_codedNishisato and Clavel, artificial set of data
christmasChristmas party plans
curriculaCurricula and Social classes
ds_cfContingency and frequency data analysis
ds_eigenCalculate SVD decomposition of the matrix
ds_mcMultiple choice data analysis
ds_mc_checkFunction to identify incorrect Multiple Choice input data
ds_mcfForced multiple choice data analysis
ds_out_tblGenerate the dataframe out
ds_pcPaired comparison data analysis
ds_roRank order data analysis
ds_select_solutionsSelection of solutions for analysis
govermentGoverment services and facilities
plot_dataObtain the data used in the graphs
plot.dualScalePlot of Dual Scale analysis
preferencesPreferences, artificial set of data
print.dualScalePrint of Dual Scale analysis
singaporeanSingaporean children as viewed by adults
summary.dualScaleSummary of Dual Scale analysis
dualScale documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 9:07 a.m.