reexports: Objects exported from other packages

reexportsR Documentation

Objects exported from other packages


These objects are imported from other packages. Follow the links below to see their documentation.


%>%, across, add_count, add_tally, all_equal, anti_join, arrange, between, bind_cols, bind_rows, c_across, case_match, case_when, coalesce, collapse, collect, compute, consecutive_id, count, cross_join, cumall, cumany, cume_dist, cummean, cur_column, cur_group, cur_group_id, cur_group_rows, dense_rank, desc, distinct, explain, filter, first, full_join, if_all, if_any, if_else, inner_join, intersect, join_by, lag, last, lead, left_join, min_rank, mutate, n, n_distinct, na_if, near, nest_by, nest_join, nth, ntile, order_by, percent_rank, pick, pull, reframe, relocate, rename, rename_with, right_join, row_number, rows_append, rows_delete, rows_insert, rows_patch, rows_update, rows_upsert, sample_frac, sample_n, select, semi_join, setdiff, setequal, slice, slice_head, slice_max, slice_min, slice_sample, slice_tail, summarise, summarize, symdiff, tally, tbl_vars, tibble, top_n, transmute, ungroup, union, union_all, with_groups, with_order




add_row, as_tibble, tribble


all_of, any_of, contains, everything, last_col, matches, num_range, one_of, starts_with, where

duckplyr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 9:36 a.m.